Index of Canadian
Artists (Visual Arts) ---J
Répertoire des artistes
canadiens (Arts visuels) ---J
Par / By François Lareau © François Lareau,
Ottawa, 1998-,
S-T-U-V- W-X-Y-Z
canadiens en arts visuels -- Avons-nous votre nom?
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Canadian artists in
visual arts --Do we have your name?
To add a link to your site, or your name to this index or
an image of your art, write to me at --
it's free.
Jaanimägi, Viivi, 1916-, (Society of Estonian Artists in Toronto)
Jack, Maggie (Indian Artists at Work)
A biography of Marion Jack has been published:
Jasion, Jan T., 1945-, Never be afraid to dare : the
story of 'General Jack', Marion Elizabeth Jack, 1866-1954 /
by Jan Teofil Jasion, Oxford : George Ronald,
c2001, xv, 352 p., [24] p. of plates : ill., ports. ; 21 cm.
NOTES: Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN: 0853984492 ISBN: 9780853984498 (AMICUS catalogue)
Image source:,
accessed 5 November 2016
Jack, Marion Elizabeth, 1866-1954 (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Jack Patti, c1850-1908 (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Richard Jack painting The Second Battle
of Ypres
National Archives of Canada PA 4879
Jack, Richard, 1866-1952 (Robert 78; Canvas of War; Dalhousie Art
Gallery; Development of Painting in Canada: 1665-1945;
------Artistes plasticiens
par Comeau; Art at the Service of War; Art Auctions 1976-1978;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol.
2, pp. 518-520;
------Ontario Collection)
Jack, Richard, 1866-1952, The
Second Battle of Ypres, 11 April to 25 May 1915, 1917,
oil on canvas, 371.5 x 589.0 cm, Canadian War Museum, Ottawa 8179.
Jack, Robert I., 1934-, (200 Years of Botanical Art in British
Jack, Roy, 1922-, (Vallée 93; Artistes
plasticiens par Comeau)
Jack, Vernon (Indian Artists at Work)
References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Jackman, Ted, 1947- (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
History of Canadian Political Cartooning)
Jacks, Robert, 1943-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Jackson, A.Y. (Alexander Young), 1882-1974
Jackson, A.Y. (Alexander Young), 1882-1974, Group of Seven/Groupe
des Sept, (McKendry; Gagnon;
------Magazin'art, v. 9(3), 1997, pp. 71-75 and 100-103(E); Vallée
83; Vallée 89; Vallée 93; Boulizon; Reid; Harper;
------Robert 78; MQ; NG2; Hill; Art Gallery of Ontario; Hubbard;
MAC; Balkind; University of Guelph; Firestone
------Art Collection; McMichael Canadian Art Collection; Duval;
Lord; Newlands; Giles; Queen's University;
------Nova Scotia; Canadian Drawings; L'art du Québec; Canada at
War; Bernier 99; Paysagistes; Fine Arts in Canada;
------Modern Painting; Canvas of War; Robert 64; Carleton; Sir
George Williams University; Art Gallery of Hamilton;
------Winnipeg Art Gallery; Dalhousie Art Gallery; Development of
Painting in Canada: 1665-1945;
------Art of the British Empire Overseas; Collection Lavalin du
Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal;
------Toronto Dominion Bank Collection; Creative Canada, 1972; History of Art in Toronto
------Duval 1952; Artistes
plasticiens par Comeau; Art at the Service of War; Art
Auctions 1976-1978;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Sales Index 1989-90; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 2, pp.
------Contemporary Canadian
Artists; Peinture et sculpture québécoises 1670-1995 par
Ostiguy; Art Gallery of Nova Scotia
------Permanent Collection: Selected Works);
National Galllery of Canada, Pierre B. Landry, 1953-, editor,
Claire Champ, 1964-, collaborator,
Canadian Art, Volume Two/ G-K, Ottawa: National Gallery of
Canada, 1994, xiii, 401 p., cover
and p. 191 (series; Catalogue of the National Gallery of Canada;
vol. 2; ISSN: 0826-9734); note:
also published in French under the title: "Art canadien", ISBN:
088884638X (v. 2)
Images for A.Y. Jackson
Jackson, Andrew Sander, 1925-, (Biographical Index of Artists in
Jackson, Brian Henry, 1926-1990, (Biographical Index of Artists in
Canada; Dictionary of Canadian
Artists, vol. 2, p. 529)
Jackson, David E., 1874-, (Biographical Index of Artists in
Jackson, Edward Boyd, 1933-, (Art Auctions 1976-1978; Biographical
Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary
of Canadian Artists, vol. 2,
------ pp. 529-530)
Jackson, Edwin Falder, 1904-1996, (Biographical Index of Artists
in Canada; Dictionary of
Canadian Artists, vol. 2, p. 530)
Jackson, Erna Nook, 1886-, (Biographical Index of Artists in
References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Jackson, H. Ben, 1871-1952 (NG2; Hubbard; Biographical Index of
Artists in Canada)
Jackson, Henry (Harry) Alexander Carmichael, 1877-1961, (McKendry;
Reid; NG2;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol.
2, pp. 530-531)
Jackson, J.P. (Sales Index 1989-90)
Jackson, Jeff, illustrator; artist's
Jackson, Kenneth William, 1944-, (Biographical Index of Artists in
Canada; Ontario Collection)
Jackson, Kyle (Visual Arts Nova Scotia 1994)
Jackson, Mary (Indian Artists at Work)
Jackson, Mason, 1819-1903, active 1857-1895 (Biographical Index of
Artists in Canada; British Columbia, a Pictorial Record,
Jackson, Myrtle, 1920-, (Alberta Society of Artists)
Jackson, Nancy Ruth, 1952-, (Wood Engraving in Canada since 1945;
Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Nancy Ruth Jackson, Ship of
(Text and image reproduced from the following book: Brender à
Brandis, G., 1942-, Danuta M.A.K.
Kamocki, and Carnegie Galerie (Dundas, Ont.), The White line: wood engraving in
since 1945 : a selection of artists and images from a
retrospective exhibition of the same name
curated by G. Brender à Brandis / Brandis / biographies
prepared by Danuta M.A.K. Kamocki,
Erin (Ontario) : Porcupine's Quill, 1990).
Jackson, Naomi, see Groves, Naomi Jackson
Photo of Robert Jackson reproduced from the following book:
MacNair, Peter L., Alan L. Hoover, Kevin Neary, British
Columbia Provincial
Museum, The
legacy: tradition and innovation in Northwest Coast
art, Vancouver :
Douglas & McIntyre; Seattle : University of
Washington Press,
©1984, 193 pages, at p.
184 : illustrations (some color), maps, portraits ; 23 cm,
Photo from the collection of the Royal British Columbia
Museum. (put on line on 13 October 2021)
Jackson, Robert, 1948-, (Indian Artists at Work; Northwest
Coast Indian Art 1984)
References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Jackson, Ronald Threlkeld, 1902-1992, (Art Auctions 1976-1978;
Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Sales Index
------Dictionary of Canadian
Artists, vol. 2, pp. 531-532; Artists of British
Jackson (née Sherman), Sarah, 1924-2004, (Roundstone Council for
the Arts; NG2; MAC; Artistes
plasticiens par
------Comeau; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol.
2, pp. 532-533;
Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University)
Jackson, Shawn, A., 1952-, (Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2000-2001)
Jackson, Steve (Murs et murales)
Jackson, William Henry, 1843-1942 (Biographical Index of Artists
in Canada)
Jackson Johnson, Joanne (Children in Photography)
Jacmain, Claude, ébénisterie 9Répertoire 1983 des membres
accrédités de la Corporation Salon des Métiers d'art du Québec --
Jacmain, Jacques, 1940-, (Roundstone Council for the Arts; Artistes plasticiens par
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Jacob, Cécile (Trépanier 83)
Jacob, Christine, 1965-, (Vallée 93)
Jacob, Claire, 1925-, (Vallée 83; Vallée 89; Vallée 93;
Robert 83; Trépanier)
Jacob, Daniel (Collection des livres d'artistes
de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)
Jacob, François, silversmith/orfèvre (Silver in New France)
Jacob, Gigi, (L'art au féminin)
References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Jacob, Guillaume, silversmith/orfèvre (Silver in New France)
Jacob, Henri-Louis, 1946-, (Sculpteurs en art populaire au Québec
par Levasseur -- Tome 1)
- Musée Pierre-Boucher, Trois-Rivères, QC y aurait un "Fonds Prisma" de Jean-Paul Jacob.
Source de l'image du livre:
et Livres Norrois (Quebec, QC, Canada), sites
consultés 18 février 2024:
- Joseph-Gers Turcotte, 1887-1975, Guido Nincheri, 1887-1973, Vitraux de la cathédrale de Trois-Rivères;
album d'art martial publié à l'occasion du Congrès marial national, hommage à Notre-Dame-du-Cap,
[Québec : Charrier et Dugal], 1954, [97] p. : col. ill. ; 45 cm; Notes: "publié par J. G. Turcotte à l'occasion
du Congrès marial national, hommage à Notre-Dame du Cap"; "Les enluminures sont de l'artiste même qui
a fait les vitraux : Guido Nincheri."; "Accompagné de : 'Stained-glass windows of the Cathedral of Trois-
Rivières' ([4] p. ; 36 cm.), source:
Source de la photo: La Presse, samedi, 27 octobre 1945, à
la p. 20
Bibliographie pour Jean-Paul Jacob:
- "Maîre ès photographie", La patrie, vendredi, 9 mai
1947, à la p. 4 (
- Linda Corbo, "Jean-Paul Lavoie: De la grande noirceur à la
chambre noire", Le nouvelliste, 11 mai 1996, Cahier 2,
------ page P4 (
- "L'école de photographie des Trois-Rivières", La revue
populaire: magazine illustré mensuel, décembre 1948, à la
------66 (;
comprend 3 photos de Armour Landry de monsieur Jacob; parle
------également de Jean-Paul Lavoie;
- Janine Jean, "La photographie a produit plusieurs artistes en
Mauricie [...] 'Jean-Paul Jacob' ", Le nouvelliste,
------samedi, 2 octobre 1948, à la page 11 (;
article important sur l'artiste;
- "Lieux de pélerinage du Québec: Notre-Dame-du-Cap", Le
Bulletin des Agriculteurs, vendredi, 1er octobre 1954, aux
------pages 12 et 13, photos prises par Jean-Paul Jacob pour Le
Bulletin des Agriculteurs; voir aussi une note explicative à
la p. 8
- "Prisma à l'honneur", Le nouvelliste, samedi, 28 aout
1948, à la p. 3, avec photo de monsieur Jacob (
- M. Jacbp gagne un prix pour la photographie amateur!,
O'keefe's; monsieur Jacob demeurant au 80, boulevard Duplessis,
Cap-de-la-Madeleine, voir
------Montréal-matin, mardi, 13 mars 1956, à la p. 11 (
- "28 élèves suivent les cours de l'école de photographie", Le
nouvelliste, mardi, 8 avril 1947, aux pages 3 et 12 (
- "Le salon de photos 'Prisma' ouvert ce soir", Le
nouvelliste, mardi 12 février 1946, à la p. 3 (;
article important
------sur l'artiste;
- "École de Photographie des Trois-Rivières--Gradués, 1947-1948",
La tribune, 14 juillet 1948, cahier 1, p. 6; avec photo du
cadre des prof. et gradués
- "Le souvenir du Père Frédéric", La Presse, 17 juillet
1948, aux pages 1-4, Photos de Jacob (;
- "Cours de bricolage à l'école des Arts et Métiers au
Cap-Madeleine", Le nouvelliste, 3 juillet 1954, p. 2 (;
- Avis de décès, Le nouvelliste, mardi, 5 novembre 1985,
à la p. 31 avec de nombreux noms comme membres de sa famille, à;
-Remerciements pour les marques de sympathie, Le nouvelliste,
19 novembre 1985, à la page 30 (pour le nom de son épouse et des
Notes de recherches
- Jacob fut le propriétaire du Laboratoire et studio Prisma, 252,
rue des Forges, Trois-Rivières, QC, tél. 460,
------ cherchez fins des années 1940;
- Jacob fut le directeur des Laboratoires TAVI à Trois-Rivières,
avant, je crois, qu'il n'ouvre son studio Prisma;
- Jacob fut professeur titulaire à l'École provinciale de la
photographie à Trois-Rivières (semble etre la première école dans
ce domaine au QC);
- J'ai une photo religieuse de la nativité du Christ que j'ai
acheté en février 2024...recherches à faire...
Recherches à faire
Mes recherches de journaux à collections.banq.qc. ca indique que
Jean-Paul Jacob aurait pu faire de la politique
au niveau municipal. Cherchez entre les années 1945-1965.
Il semble aussi y avoir une poursuite pour voies de faits,
et du déneigement pour le nom Jean-Paul Jacob.
Publication on the artist:
Jacob, Luis, éditeur intellectuel, Fonderie Darling,
Organisme de
publication, Institution hôte, Museum
of Contemporary Canadian Art, Organisme de
publication, Institution hôte,
Musée McCord, organisme de
publication, Institution hôte, Luis
Jacob: seeing and
believing, London, UK :
Black Dog Publishing ; [Toronto] : MOCCA, Museum of
Contemporary Canadian Art ; [Montréal] : F, [2013], 223 pages :
(principalement en couleur); 27 cm;
notes: translated
by Prudence Ivey (English) and
Rachel Pfleger (French) at Black Dog Publishing,
ISBN: 9781908966063,
Source of image:,
accessed 8 February 2022.
Catalogue de trois expositions présentées à la Darling
Foundry, Montréal, du 17 juin au 29 août 2010, au
Museum of Contemporary Canadian Art, Toronto,
du 4 février au 27 mars 2011 et au Musée McCord,
Montréal, du 2 septembre 2011 au 26 février 2012.
Cf. page [5].
[source:, accessed 8 February 2022]
Jacob, Luis, 1971-, (Vie des
arts, numéro 222, vol. 45, printemps 2011, p. 70; Oh, Canada: Contemporary Art -- 2012;
------Wil Aballe Art Projects Vancouver)
Jacobi, Daniel, act. 1874-1905, (Folk Artists)
Jacobi, O. R., 1812-1901,
circa 1890, Albumen print,
11.2 x 8.0 cm, Notman Photographic Archives, McCord Museum,
Montreal (MP 129/78)
image file Jacobi Pictures
Jacobi, Otto Reinhold, 1812-1901 (Vallée 89; McKendry; Reid;
NG2; Robert 78; Harper; Fine Arts in Canada; Art Gallery
------of Ontario; Hubbard; Queen's University; L'art du Québec;
Paysagistes; Sir George Williams University; L'art au Canada
------Development of Painting in Canada: 1665-1945; Artistes plasticiens par
Comeau; Art Auctions 1976-1978;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Sales Index 1989-90; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 3, pp.
------Peinture et sculpture québécoises 1670-1995 par Ostiguy;
Ontario Collection)
Jacobi, Otto Reinhold, 1812-1901, Parliament Buildings, Ottawa, w.c./aquarelle, 9
3/8" x 14 5/8", 1866, National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa / Musée
beaux-arts du Canada, Ottawa.
Jacobie, carver (Art Auctions 1976-1978)
Jacobs, Alex (Iroquois)
Jacobs, Arnold, 1942-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
"The Creation Story", contemporary painting by Arnold Jacobs,[Description of title, image and text reproduced from the following book:
showing Iroquoian interpretation of creation. This dramatic
scene depicts a falling woman, heavy with child, being
escorted to the back of the Great Turtle, master of all animals...
Charles J. Humber, ed., Canada's Native Peoples,
Mississauga (Ontario): Heirloom Publishing,
1988, viii, 103 p., at p. 13 (Series; Canada Heirloom Series; 2),
ISBN: 0-9692182-4-9]
Jacobs, Clara, artisane du cuir (Répertoire 1983 des membres
accrédités de la Corporation Salon des Métiers d'art du Québec --
Jacobs, Joseph, 1934-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Jacobs, Katja, 1939-, (Burnett; Art Gallery of Hamilton;
Celebration of Contemporary Canadian Art;
------Ontario Collection; Early Women Artists)
[Image reproduced from the following book: Fern Bayer,
Ontario Heritage Foundation,
The Ontario Collection, Markham, Ont. : Published for the
Ontario Heritage Foundation
by Fitzhenry & Whiteside, 1984, xii, 388 p., at p. 333, ill.
(some col.), ports. (some col.);
30 cm. NOTES: Includes bibliographical references and index, ISBN:
Jacobs, Michel, 1877-1958 (Biographical Index of Artists in
Jacobs, Peter, c1807-1890 (Biographical Index of Artists in
Jacobson, Michael, (Collectionneur 90, vol. VII, # 28, p. 93)
Jacobson, Rick, see/voir Fernandez Jacobson
in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Jacobson, Sybil Hernley, 1881-1953, (Saskatchewan Artists; Saskatchewan: art and artists;
Biographical Index of Artists in Canada);
Jacobsoone, Alain, 1963-, (Pluralisme au Québec)
Jacqmin, Madeleine-L., 1943-, (Artistes
plasticiens par Comeau)
Jacque, Charles-Émile (MQ; Dalhousie Art Gallery)
Jacques, Denis, 1954-, (Magazin'art Biennial Guide 98-99; Roussan
98; Bruens 89; Roussan 2001; Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2000-2001;
------Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2002-2003; membre professionnel
du Regroupement des artistes en arts visuels du Québec -- 2012;
------Membre d'honneur -- Institut des arts figuratifs, 2011-2012)
Jacques, Donald-Yvan (membre signataire de la Société canadienne
de l'aquarelle en 2012)
Jacques, E. (Sales Index 1989-90)
E. Jacques, huile, 8 x 10", en vente chez La Maison des
encans, Montréal,
encan du 27 septembre 2023, lot 22, image reproduite de
(site consulté le 23 septembre 2023).
Jacques, Elaine (Sculptors Society of Canada--2015)
Jacques, Gilles (Sales Index 1989-90)
Jacques, Guylaine, 1962-, (Roussan 98; Vallée 93; Collection
Loto-Québec; Magazin'art, v. 14(1), 2001, p. 38; Canadian Pastels;
------La Beauce en peinture)
Jacques, Jacline, (L'estampe à Québec)
Jacques, Jacqueline
Jacques, Jean-François, 1957-, (Québec en design: 75 ans de
Jacques, Jocelyne, 1945-, née à Québec, (Roussan 2005; Pluralisme
au Québec; Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2006-2008)
Jacques, Marie-Claude, 1960-, (Magazin'art Biennial Guide 98-99;
Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2000-2001; Magazin'art Biennial Guide
Jacques, Marie-Colette, née à Larder Lake, Ont. (Extensions
Jacques, Normand, né à Upton, près de Boston, USA (Roussan 2005;
Avmor Collection)
Jacquette, Yvonne Helene Burckhardt, 1934-, (Biographical Index of
Artists in Canada)
Jacquier (Jacquiers, Jacquies, Jacquiés, Jacqués) dit Leblond,
Jean, 1688-c1734, (McKendry; Reid; L'art au Canada français;
------Artistes plasticiens
par Comeau; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Morisset)
Jacquies, Louis, (Viau)
Jacson, Antoine (dit Jolybois), 1725-1798/1805, sculpt., (Artistes plasticiens par
Comeau; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Jadid, Hamidreza (Republic Gallery Vancouver)
Jaeger, Ann, 1950-, fibre (Art in Ontario)
References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Jaenicke, Beulah Irene, 1918-2018, (Biographical Index of Artists
in Canada; Dictionary of
Canadian Artists, vol. 3, p. 536)
Jaffé, Charles. 1952-, (Editorial cartoons)
Jailbert, Louise (membre professionnel du Regroupement des
artistes en arts visuels du Québec -- 2012)
Jailbert, Nicole (membre professionnel du Regroupement des
artistes en arts visuels du Québec -- 2012)
Jaillet, Christine, (L'estampe à Québec; Collection numérique
d'estampes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)
Jahn, Elena, (Nova Scotia)
Jakovac, Nikolette Marie, 1940-, (Biographical Index of Artists in
Jalava, Erkki, fl 1950+ (Biographical Index of Artists in Canadal; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 3, p. 537)
Erkki ,Jalava, oil, 32" x 42", source:
accessed 25 December 2018
Jalbert, Diane, 1952, (Roussan 2001)
Jalbert, Louise, (Femmeuses 2001); site de l'artiste
Louise Jalbert, Feuillage et branches,
été, série Le nez dans l’herbe, 2017,
aquarelle sur papier, 28 x 37 cm / 11 x 15", photo Guy L’Heureux;
nous remercions
l'artiste pour la permission de reproduire ici cette image de son
art (17 décembre 2018).
Jalbert, Marie, (L'estampe à Québec)
Jalbert, N. (Murs et murales)
Jalbert, Nicole, 1955-, (Robert 89)
Jalsovsky, Frank, (L'estampe à Québec)
JAM, voir--see, Boisvert, Michel
Jamasie (Jamasie Teevee), 1910-1985, near Lake Harbour, Baffin
Island, (Dalhousie Art Gallery; National Museum
------of Man; Roch; McMaster University; Art Auctions 1976-1978;
Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Jamassie, Eskimo art, from Inoucdjouac, Quebec (Larmour)
James, Ann, Regina, 1925-, ( Roundstone Council for the Arts 2;
Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Early Women Artists)
James, Ann, born Jove, Sussex, England 1925-2011 (Saskatchewan: art and artists;
Dictionary of Canadian Artists,
vol. 3, p. 537)
She began studying ceramics at the University of Saskatchewan, Regina
Campus in the 1960’s, eventually working her way from student to teacher.
She would go on to teach an extension program at the university, introducing
her to a circle of fellow artists who taught at, or were affiliated, with the school.
[Read the rest at, accessed 21 January 2024]
James, Cecil E. (Edward), 1908-1996, born in Disley. England (Saskatchewan: art and artists;
Biographical Index of Artists;
------ in Canada; Sales Index 1989-90;
Biographical Dictionary of Saskatchewan Men Artists; Toronto
Dominion Bank Collection)
James, Charlie, 1870-1938, (Arts of the Raven; Northwest Coast
Indian Art 1984)
James, Christopher (Christopher Tinkler); artist's site
James, David, (membre professionnel du Regroupement des artistes
en arts visuels du Québec -- 2012); artist's site
James, Denys (Claridge Inc. catalogue)
James, Edward, (Dalhousie Art Gallery)
References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
James, Frank, 1845-1907 (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Geoffrey James, photo of Alex Colville, painter, photo credit:
Post; image source:,
accessed 19 December 2018
James, Geoffrey, 1942-, (Swain; Newlands; L'art du Québec; Collection des livres d'artistes de la Bibliothèque
nationale du Québec;
------Artistes plasticiens
par Comeau; Corporate collections; City of Ottawa Art Collection
-- 2013; Contemporary Canadian Photography;
------Montréal au XXe s.--photographes; Photography --
Collection of the National Film Board);
James, G.S. (Sales Index 1989-90)
James, Ian (Sales Index 1989-90)
James, John (Robert 78)
James, John, artiste américain, actif à Québec entre 1815 et 1825,
(L'art au Canada français; Artistes
plasticiens par Comeau;
James, John, act. 1811-1845, (L'art du Québec; Biographical Index
of Artists in Canada)
James, Mary Stuart, 1903-1987 (Dictionary
of Canadian Artists, vol. 3, pp. 537-538)
James, Martha (Indian Artists at Work)
James, Norman, 1907-1992, photographer, see site at
(accessed 21 January 2025)
James, Phyllis Hipwell, 1905-1990 (Sales Index
1989-90; Early Women Artists)
James, Terry (Visual Arts Nova Scotia 1994)
Catalogue on William James:
Arnold, Grant, William James, 1870-1944, Brock V. Silversides,
1957-, Mendel Art Gallery, William James, selected photographs
1900-1936 / curator,
Grant Arnold ; essays, Brock Silversides, Grant Arnold, Saskatoon
: Mendel Art Gallery, c1986, 32 p. : ill. ; 21 x 28 cm. NOTES:
Catalogue of an
exhibition held at the Mendel Art Gallery, and other galleries,
May 2, 1986-May 3, 1987. Includes bibliographical references,
ISBN: 0919863221 (AMICUS Catalogue).
Image source:,
accessed 19 December 2016
James, William, 1866-1948 (Canadian Photography 1839-1920)
James, William Roderick, 1892-1942 (Biographical Index of Artists
in Canada)
Jameson, Anna Brownell, 1794-1860, (McKendry; Folk Artists;
Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Early Women Artists;
Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University)
Jameson, Lionel B. (Bell), 1908-1987, (Biographical Index of
Artists in Canada; Dictionary
of Canadian Artists, vol. 3, p. 538)
Jameson, Robert Sympson, 1796-1854, (McKendry; Biographical Index
of Artists in Canada)
Jamieson, Dr. Geoffrey, (Canadian Pastels; Alberta Society of
Jamieson, James, act. 1960- (Folk Artists)
Jamieson, Martha Greening, 1918-2011, (Biographical Index of
Artists in Canada; Dictionary
of Canadian Artists, vol. 3, pp. 538-539)
Jamieson, Robb, 1979-, (Galerie Laroche/Joncas Montréal)
Jamieson, Ron Archibald (Ronald), 1917-2010, born in
Winnipeg and died in Montreal (Robert 78; Bruens 88; Artistes plasticiens
------ par Comeau; Sales Index 1989-90)
He graduated from Sir George Williams University (now Concordia University),
Montreal in 1938. He worked as an illustrator for newspapers and magazines and
began easel painting in 1969. His painting mediums were oils and watercolors.
His subjects were landscapes, figures, street scenes, marine scenes and genre.
His style could be described as Impressionism* and Plein Air Painting*.
[source of text:
Ronald_Jamieson.aspx, accessed 3 November 2023]
Ron Jamieson, Barn in the Sun, Havelock, 1979, huile sur
toile, 17 1/2 x 23 1/2" -- 43
x 58, 5 cm, en vente chez Enchères Champagne Auctions, Montréal,
Vente Découverte
--Discovery Sale (1/2), 16 mai 2023, lot 72, image reproduite de
(site consulté le 18 mai 2023).
Jamison, Cecillia Viets Dakin, died in 1909 (Biographical Index
of Artists in Canada)
Jane (Murs et murales)
Janel, Jacques, 1951-, (Roussan 2005)
References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Janelle, Denise, née à Drummondville, (Roussan 2001; Roussan
2005; Roussan 2006; Roussan 2009; Roussan 2013)
Janes, Phyllis, 1905-1990, (NG2; Biographical Index of Artists in
Canada; Dictionary of Canadian
Artists, vol. 3, pp. 539-540;
Janesah, Jonah, 1937-, (Seidelman)
Driscoll, Bernadette, Barbara Latocki, Winnipeg Art Gallery, Uumajut
: animal imagery in Inuit art :
March 24, 1985 through May 19, 1985 / Bernadette Driscoll,
with contributions by Robert McGhee ...
[et al.]; editor, Barbara Latocki, Winnipeg : Winnipeg Art
Gallery, c1985, 134 p., at p. 13 :ill. (some col.);
31 cm. NOTES: Catalogue of an exhibition held 24 March-19 May 1985
at the Winnipeg Art Gallery, Winnipeg, Man.
Includes some text in Inuktitut syllabics, with English
translation. Bibliography: p. 38, ISBN: 0889151229.
Jang, Alvin, Vancouver, ( Roundstone Council for the Arts 2;
Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Janier, (Jean-Pierre Poirier), 1945-, (Roussan 98; Vallée 93;
Roussan 2001; Saint-Donat et sa région en peinture)
Voici quelques notes sur l'artiste-peintre "Janier" :
1. On retrouve Janier dans le Guide Vallée de 1993:
Janiss, Eugene, 1911-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Janitch, Mary, 1949-2006, (NG2; Roundstone Council for the Arts 2;
Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Janitsch, Marguerite D., fl 1950+ (Biographical Index of Artists
in Canada; Dictionary of
Canadian Artists, vol. 3, p. 540)
Jankovics, Maria (Marika), 1949-, (Roussan 98; L'art et le papier
4; Roussan 2001; Collection Loto-Québec;
------membre professionnel du Regroupement des artistes en arts
visuels du Québec -- 2012;
------Pluralisme au Québec)
Jankowski, Eugène, de St-Basile-le-Grand, (Symposium Gatineau en
couleurs, 2011)
Janowsky, Béla, 1900-1982, sculpt. (Biographical Index of Artists
in Canada)
Janson, Pierre (Illustrateurs et illustratrices du Québec
Janson, Theodora, 1946-, jeweller (Craftsman)
References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Jansons, Inese, 1949-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Jansons, Peter (Crafts from Canada's Four Atlantic Provinces 1982)
She moved to Canada in 1948, where she met and married Harijs Jansons.
She started her craft in pottery in 1964 and became well known for her
artisanship. Velga developed a custom body clay from which her works
were rendered. The rich, reddish brown stoneware was covered with Latvian
symbols, sometimes in relief. Some of her pottery replicated that found in
archeological excavations.
[Source of photo and excerpt from her obituary, both from
site/VelgaJansons.html (accessed 22 January 2025)]
Janssens, Denis (Collection des livres d'artistes
de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)
Jiri Janu, photo reproduite
(consulté le 5 juin 2023)
Janu, Jiri, 1931-2019, décédé le 8 avril 2019, à Joliette, QC
(Magazin'art Biennial Guide 98-99; Magazin'art Biennial Guide
------2000-2001; Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2002-2003; Artistes plasticiens par
Comeau; Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2006-2008)
Jiri Janu, Contemplation printanière, huile, 18 x 24",
Jiri Janu ancien professeur en arts au Couvent Soeurs Ste-Anne,
(aujourd'hui le CLSC), au Collège Sacré Coeur et à l'école Bermon.
Printemps vert-Tulipes-Lilas-Animaux-Oiseaux-May 22, 2021
[image et texte reproduits de la page
_0S2FotarAmlsLB1Ze&_rdr , utilisateur "St Gabriel de Brandon d'une
génération à l'autre" (page consulté le 5 juin 2023)].
Janus-Miquel, Justine (Alberta Society of Artists)
Janvier, Alex Simeon, 1935-2024, (Newlands; McKendry; Reid;
Balkind; University of Guelph; McMichael Canadian
------Art Collection; Roundstone Council for the Arts; Alberta
artists; Shell Canada Collection;
------Toronto Dominion Bank Collection; Governor General's Awards
in Visual and Media Arts -- 2008;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Corporate
collections; Sales Index 1989-90;
------Dictionary of Canadian
Artists, vol. 3, pp. 540-541; First Nations; The Grand
Western Canadian Screen Shop;
------Treasured Moments: John and Monica Kurtz)
Images for Alex Janvier
Photo of Phil Janzé reproduced from the following book:
MacNair, Peter L., Alan L. Hoover, Kevin Neary, British
Columbia Provincial
Museum, The
legacy: tradition and innovation in Northwest Coast
art, Vancouver :
Douglas & McIntyre; Seattle : University of
Washington Press,
©1984, 193 pages, at p.
184 : illustrations (some color), maps, portraits ; 23 cm,
Photo from the collection of the Royal British Columbia
Museum. (put on line on 13 October 2021)
Janzé, Phil, 1950-2016, (Northwest Coast Indian Art 1984)
Images of Phil Janzé's art at
(accessed 13 October 2021).
Janzen, David (Corporate collections)
Photo de Louis Jaque (reproduite du livre de Monique
Brunet-Weinmann et
Louis Jaque, Louis Jaque, supra, à la p. 2).
Jaque, Louis, (Louis Jacques Beaulieu), 1919-2010, (Daigneault
81; McKendry; Vallée 89; Vallée 93; Robert 83; Roussan 82;
------Sir George Williams University; Robert 78; 16 quebec
painters; LeBourthis; NG2; MAC; Bernier; Bernier 99; Robert 64;
Québec 1940-1966;
------Shell Canada Collection; Collection Lavalin du Musée d'art
contemporain de Montréal; Collection des livres d'artistes
de la Bibliothèque
------nationale du Québec; Collection Loto-Québec; Toronto
Dominion Bank Collection; Artistes
plasticiens par Comeau;
------Art Auctions 1976-1978; Biographical Index of Artists in
Canada; Sales Index 1989-90; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol.
3, pp. 541-542;
------Marché de la peinture au
Québec 1991/1992; Peinture et sculpture québécoises
1670-1995 par Ostiguy; Québec en design: 75 ans de créations;
------Collection d'art de la Ville de Gatineau -- 2019; Société
des artistes professionnels du Québec 1971)
Images pour Louis Jaque
References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Jarain (Jacques Rainville) (Dictionary
Canadian Artists, vol. 3, p. 542)
Jarden, Richards, 1947-, (Dalhousie Art Gallery)
Jardine, Alex, fl 1870-96 (Biographical Index of Artists in
Jardinel, Émile-Jean-Marie, 1832/3-, fl 1871-81, sculpt.
(Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Jareaud, Lucien ("Frenchie"), 1956-, (Roussan 2001)
Jarema, Tom, 1952-, (Roundstone Council for the Arts; Biographical
Index of Artists in Canada)
Jarnuszkiewicz, Wocjiec, 1927-2012, (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Biographical
Index of Artists in Canada;
------Musée du Québec en images --5; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 3, p. 542;
Dictionnaire historique
------de la sculpture québécoise au XXe siècle; Art
public de la ville de Montréal)
Jarosiewicz, Jaga (The Donovan Collection at St. Michael's
Jarraud, Lucien, (Roussan 98)
Jarry, André, 1926-, (Québec en design: 75 ans de créations)
Jarry, Girard Alice (membre professionnel du Regroupement des
artistes en arts visuels du Québec -- 2012)
Jarry, Pierre (Illustrateurs et illustratrices du Québec 1989)
Jarsky, Paul Howard, 1950-, sculpt. (Biographical Index of Artists
in Canada)
Järve, Jaak, 1956-, (Society of Estonian Artists in Toronto)
Järve-Vomm, Mai Reet, 1938-, (Society of Estonian Artists in
1936, Six Mile Lake, from left to right: David Milne,
Douglas Duncan and Alan Jarvis.
Biography on Alan Jarvis:
Horrall, Andrew, Bringing art to life : a biography of Alan
Jarvis, Montreal : McGill-Queen's University Press, c2009,
xiii, 457 p.,
[16] leaves of plates : col. ill., ports. ; 24 cm. SERIES:
McGill-Queen's/Beaverbrook Canadian Foundation studies in art
#2. NOTES: Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN: 9780773535749.
Jarvis, Alan Hepburn, 1915-1972, (McKendry; Reid; Hill; NG2;
Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Dictionary of Canadian
Artists, vol. 3, pp. 543-544)
1949 Photo, Vancouver, from left: Jack Shadbolt, Bill Cuff, Don Jarvis and Doris Shadbolt.
Jarvis, Donald (Don) Alvin, 1923-2001, (McKendry; Leclerc; Reid;
Harper; Hubbard; Balkind;
------Firestone Art Collection; Duval; Queen's University;
Canadian Drawings; années 50; Sir George Williams University;
------Printmaking in B.C., 1889-1983; Vancouver: Art and Artists 1931-1983;
------Toronto Dominion Bank Collection; Creative Canada, 1971; Art Auctions 1976-1978;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Contemporary Canadian Artists);
Images for Don Jarvis
Jarvis, Georgia, 1944-1990 (Sales Index 1989-90)
References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Jarvis, Kenneth, 1926-2007, (Magazin'art, v. 11(1), 1998, pp.
111-113 and 158-160(E); Magazin'art
------Biennial Guide 98-99; Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2000-2001;
Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2002-2003;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Magazin'art
Biennial Guide 2006-2008)
Kenneth Jarvis, Le très honorable
Roland Michener, Gouverneur Général
1967-1973, buste en bronze, 1982, 46 x 22 cm,
Nº de catalogue : O-2016, La Collection patrimoniale
de la Chambre des communes
visité le 19 octobre 2014
Jarvis, Lucy Mary Hope, 1896-1985, (McKendry; Tippett; Dalhousie
Art Gallery; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Dictionary of Canadian
Artists, vol. 3, pp. 546-547; Early Women Artists; Canadian
Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University)
Jarvis, Samuel J., 1862-1952, photographe (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau)
Jaseide (Collection d'art de la Ville de Gatineau -- 2019)
Jaskus, Saulius , sculptor and painter (Sculptors Society of
Canada--2015); web
page on the artist
André Jasmin (photographie reproduite de Musée des Beaux
Arts de Montréal, 35 peintres
dans l'actualité, 1957;
photographe inconnu).
Jasmin, André, 1922-2020, (Vallée 83; McKendry; Roussan 82; NG2;
MAC; L'estampe 2; Québec 1940-1966;
------Sir George Williams University; L'art au Canada français;
Collection Lavalin du Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal; Collection des livres
------d'artistes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec; Creative Canada, 1972;
Société d'art contemporain, Montréal, 1939-1948;
------Artistes plasticiens
par Comeau; Art Auctions 1976-1978; Biographical Index of Artists
in Canada; membre professionnel du Regroupement
------des artistes en arts visuels du Québec -- 2012; Sales Index 1989-90; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 3, p. 547;
Vie des arts, numéro 222,
------vol. 45, printemps 2011, p. 99; Peinture et sculpture
québécoises 1670-1995 par Ostiguy)
[Photo de la sérigraphie reproduite du livre suivant: Michèle
Grandbois, L'art québécois de
1945-1990: une aventure, une époque, une collection,
[Québec]: Musée du Québec, 1996, 401 p., à
la p. 203, ISBN: 2551135869.]
-- André Jasmin
Jasmin, Claude (Collection Loto-Québec)
Jasmin, Claude (Gagnon)
Jasmin, Édouard, 1905-1987, act. 1960, sculpt., ceramicist
(McKendry; Folk Artists; L'art populaire du Québec;
------Artistes plasticiens
par Comeau; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol.
3, p. 548)
Jason, Teff, 1936-, (Artistes
plasticiens par Comeau)
Jastrzembski, Oktawian, 1899-, (Artistes
plasticiens par Comeau)
Jaugey, Daniel, 1929-, (Vallée 83; Vallée 89; Vallée 93; Bruens
88; Bruens 90)
Jauran, 1926-1959, voir Repentigny, Rodolphe de
Jauron-Crète, Mercédès, céramiste (Artisans créateurs du Québec)
Jauvin, Serge (membre professionnel du Regroupement des artistes
en arts visuels du Québec -- 2012)
Jaw, Kingwatsiak (King), 1962-, (Cape Dorset Sculpture)
Jaw, Miala, 1934-2006, (Cape Dorset)
References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Jaw, Pootoogook, 1959-, (Cape Dorset Sculpture)
Jaworska, Ewa (Dictionary of
Canadian Artists, vol. 3, p. 548)
Jaworksa, Tamara, 1918-2015, (Biographical Index of Artists in
Canada; Contemporary Tapestry; Art in Ontario)
Jaworski, Elizabeth (also Betty), 1937-, (The Canadian Society
of Painters in Water Colour; Tradition ukrainienne au Canada)
Jaxon, Toby (ARTBOMB--11 September 2013)
Jaypoody, Lydia, 1926-, (Clyde River Prints/Estampes 1981)
Jazayeri, Shirin (ARTNOMB--6 October 2013)
Jbeily, Joe, sculptor/sculpteur
Jé, see/voir Jaffé, Charles
JE, see under/voir Elliott, Robert James
Jean, craftsmanship -- baskets (Crafts Canada)
Jean, Chantale, 1958-, (Magazin'art, v. 11(4), 1999, pp. 39-41 and
------Magazin'art Biennial Guide 98-99; Magazin'art, v. 9(1),
1996, p. 36; Vallée 89; Vallée 93; Bruens 88;
------Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2000-2001; Magazin'art Biennial
Guide 2002-2003; Collection Loto-Québec;
------membre professionnel du Regroupement des artistes en arts
visuels du Québec -- 2012; Charlevoix en peinture;
------Collection d'art de la Ville de Gatineau -- 2019)
Chantale Jean, Boulevard du crépuscule, acrylique sur
toile, 42 x
42 "; image reproduite de la revue suivante: Magazin'art,
v. 14(1),
automne/Fall 2001, 1999, p. 26 (dans une publicité pour la Galerie
Richard Hevey).
Jean, Charles, 1949-, (Roundstone Council for the Arts;
Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Jean, David, 1938-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Jean, Fabian (Galerie de Bellefeuille -- 2015)
Jean, Françoise, artisane, verre (Répertoire 1983 des membres
accrédités de la Corporation Salon des Métiers d'art du Québec --
Jean, Françoise (Collection d'art de la Ville de Gatineau -- 2019)
Jean, Jo-Anne, (L'estampe à Québec)
Jocelyn Jean, source de l'image:,
site visité le 24 juin 2017
Jean, Jocelyn, 1947-2015, (MAC; Collection
des livres d'artistes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec;
Collection Loto-Québec;
------Artistes plasticiens
par Comeau; membre professionnel du Regroupement des artistes en
arts visuels du Québec -- 2012;
------Corporate collections; Peinture et sculpture québécoises
1670-1995 par Ostiguy; Off the Grid --Abstract Painting in New
------site sur l'artiste
Jean, Lisette (L'art populaire au Québec par Jean-François
Jean, Madeleine, 1940-, (Artistes
plasticiens par Comeau)
Jean, Marcel, 1937-, (L'estampe à Québec; Robert 83; MQ;
Québec 1940-1966; MAC; Panorama
de la sculpture;
------Collection Lavalin du Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal;
Oeuvres d'art du Ministère des Travaux publics;
------Artistes plasticiens
par Comeau; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol.
3, pp. 548-549;
------Dictionnaire historique de la sculpture québécoise au XXe
[La description du titre de la toile et l'image de celle-ci
proviennent du livre suivant: Québec (Province), Ministère des
publics et de l'approvisionnement, Les oeuvres d'art du Ministère des Travaux publics et
de l'approvisionnement : ou la politique
du un pour cent, Québec: Gouvernement du Québec,
Direction générale des communications gouvernementales, 1981, à la
p. 19.]
Jean, Émile (L'art populaire au berceau de la Nouvelle-France)
References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Jean, Philippe (Vie des arts, numéro 222, vol. 45, printemps 2011, p. 25)
Jean, Robert, sculpture sur bois (Répertoire 1983 des membres
accrédités de la Corporation Salon des Métiers d'art du Québec --
Robert Jean, Fisherman Quebec Wood
Carving; "Circa 1960s-70s. 11.25 in to tip of
fishing pole" on sale at Encan West Island Auctions
Ville Saint-Laurent, 5 July 2022, lot number 34, image
reproduced from
(accessed 4 July 2022).
Jean, Roméo, artisan, tissage (Répertoire 1983 des membres
accrédités de la Corporation Salon des Métiers d'art du Québec --
Jean, Rosaire, 1956-, (Magazin'art Biennial Guide 98-99;
Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2000-2001; Magazin'art Biennial Guide
------Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2006-2008)
Jean-Baptiste, Daniel (ARTBOMB--5 and 22 June, 5 August and 10
October 2016)
Jean-Gilles, peintre (Cote officielle d'artistes du Québec 1978)
Publication on Don Jean-Louis:
Jean-Louis, Don, Ihor Holubizky, Lisa Baldissera, Don
Jean-Louis : silver works,
Oshawa, ON : The Robert McLaughlin Gallery ; Victoria, BC : Art
Gallery of Greater Victoria, 2006,
64 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 30 cm, Notes: exhibition
curators: Ihor Holubizky, Lisa Baldissera;
Notes: Catalogue of exhibitions held at the Robert McLaughlin
Gallery in Oshawa, Ont. from November 23, 2005-
January 14, 2006 ; Rodman Hall, St. Catharines, Ont. from May
5-June 22, 2007 ; McMaster Museum of Art, Hamilton,
Ont. from November 22, 2007-January 19, 2008 ; and Art Gallery of
Greater Victoria, Victoria, B.C. from September 13
-November 3, 2007, ISBN: 0921500777, 9780921500773 (Voilà
Catalogue and WorldCat database)
source for the image of the book:,
accessed 8 December 2019
Don Jean-Louis, source of photo: torontopubliclibrary.
accessed 8 December 2019
Jean-Louis, Don (Donald), 1937-2021, born in Hull, P.Q. (Art
Gallery of Ontario; NG2; Burnett; Collection Lavalin du Musée
d'art contemporain de Montréal;
------Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 3, p.
549; Art in Ontario); see his obituary at
------for details on his art career (accessed 22 January 2025)
Jean dit Latour, Jean, 1631/2-1677, sculpt. (Biographical Index
of Artists in Canada)
Jeannotte, Jean-Paul (Bromont en Art, 17e édition, août
Jeannotte, Pierre, 1940-, a pratiqué dans la région de
Sherbrooke, QC;
Voir l'article de Pierrette Roy, "Pierre Jeannotte transcende
l'omniprésent formulaire: dans une exposition de dessins à la
galerie Horace", La Tribune, Sherbrooke,
samedi, 15 juin 1985, à la p. B3 et disponible à
(site consulté le 18 août 2024).
Jeanson, Pierre, 1953-, peintre et enseignant (Vallée 93; L'Estrie, ses trésors;
Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2006-2008);
------site de l'artiste
Jeanson, Sophie (Collection numérique d'estampes de la
Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)
Jeay, Bernard, photographe (Montréal au XXe
Jebb, Mrs. Ernest, craftsmanship -- embroidery (Crafts Canada)
Jebb, Evelyn (Oeuvres d'artisans)
in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Jebb, Sir Joshua, 1793-1863, act. 1820, (McKendry; Biographical
Index of Artists in Canada)
Jeddry, Clarence, act. 1940-, (Folk Artists)
Jeffcoat, Hollis, 1952-, (Vallée 83; Collection Lavalin du Musée
d'art contemporain de Montréal)
Jefferess, Constance (Connie) M., 1929-2018
(Ontario Collection)
Connie spent many years working as a commercial artist, after which she
taught in the Art Department at H. B. Beal Secondary School for 24 years.
She was active on many committees at St. James Westminster Anglican
Church including 25+ years with the Altar Guild and the Property Committee.
After retirement, years were spent working with the Canadian Embroiderers'
Guild as well as producing liturgical embroideries for churches throughout
Southwestern Ontario. Connie was also an active member of the Canadian
Bookbinders and Book Artists Guild.
[Source: obituaty at
obituary?id=41407803, accessed 23 December 2024]
Jefferies, Daniel (Wil Aballe Art Projects Vancouver)
Jefferies, G.F., 1914-, (Dictionary
Canadian Artists, vol. 3, pp. 550-551)
Jefferies, Gerald, 1914-, (Biographical Index of Artists in
Jefferies, Gloria, 1923-, sculpt. (Biographical Index of Artists
in Canada; Dictionary of
Canadian Artists, vol. 3, p. 550)
Jeffery, Alicia Anne, 1808-?, fl 1836-49 (McKendry; Tippett;
Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University)
Jefferys, Barbara Alice West (Barbara Alice West Jefferys Allen),
1916-2014, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada); site on the artist
Jefferys, Charles William, 1869-1951, photo of
Jefferys in later life (photo Jefferys Estate Archives)
C.W. Jefferys, Autumn's Garland, 1914, oil on canvas,
92.1 x 61.6 cm, Nutana Collegiate Institute Memorial
Art Gallery, Saskatoon; cover of the following
Stacey, Robert, 1949-, National Gallery of Canada, C.W.
Jefferys / Robert Stacey,
Ottawa : National Gallery of Canada, 1985, 94 p. : ill. (some
col.); 23 cm. SERIES:
Canadian artists series; 10. NOTES: Issued also in French under
title/aussi publié
en français sous le titre: C.W. Jefferys. Bibliography: p.
93-94, ISBN: 0888845294, ISSN: 0383-5405.
"Canada's foremost historical illustrator and muralist, C.W. Jefferys was also
a pioneer in Canadian landscape painting, whose advocacy of a genuine native
style and subject-matter helped lay the groundwork for the Group of Seven
and their followers. Born in England, he worked in New York as a newspaper
artist-reporter in the 1890s, returned to Toronto in 1901, and devoted the rest
of his life to the depiction of his adopted country's history and geography."
(Stacey, Robert, 1949-, National Gallery of Canada, C.W. Jefferys,
supra, backcover)
Jefferys, Charles William, 1869-1951 (Newlands; McKendry; Reid;
NG2; Hubbard; Harper;
------Art Gallery of Ontario; Lord; Giles; Queen's University;
Canadian Drawings; Fine Arts in Canada;
------L'estampe; Canada at War; Ontario of Yesterday; 100 Years of
Art in Manitoba; Development of Painting in
------Canada: 1665-1945; Art of the British Empire Overseas; The
Canadian Society of Painters in Water Colour;
------Toronto in Art; Creative Canada, 1972;
Coverdale Collection of Canadiana; Duval 1952; Art Auctions
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Sales Index 1989-90; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 3, pp.
------Ontario Collection; History of Canadian Political
Cartooning; L'esprit révolutionnaire dans l'art québécois);
site on the artist
Jefferys, Charles William, 1869-1951, Western Sunlight Lost Mountain Lake, oil/huile,
35 3/4" x 57 3/4", 1911, National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa
/ Musée
des beaux-arts du Canada, Ottawa.
The Imperilal Oil Review issue of July 1967, 96 p.,
"Canada 1812-1871: The Formative Years" is
illustrated by C.W. Jefferys. On the cover Louis-Joseph
Papineau addressing an election crowd in the 1830s.
Jefferys, J.W., (Paysagistes)
Jefferys, Jean F.M. (née Adams), 1872-1899 (Biographical Index of
Artists in Canada; Canadian
Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University)
Jeffrey, Alice (Dictionary of
Canadian Artists, vol. 3, p. 555)
Jeffrey, Jack (YYZ Artists' Outlet: 1979-1989)
References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Jeffries, Donald Clark, 1914-, (Biographical Index of Artists in
Canada; Dictionary of Canadian
Artists, vol. 3, pp. 556)
Jeffries, Lulu Rita/Zita Roderick, fl 1916+ (Biographical Index of
Artists in Canada)
Jekyll, Robert, 1933-, (Stained Glass; Craftsman; Biographical
Index of Artists in Canada; Claridge Inc. catalogue;
------Art in Ontario)
[Image and description of Robert Jekyll's glass work are
reproduced from the following book:
Parkin, Jeanne, William J.S. Boyle, Visual Arts Ontario, Art
in Architecture: Art for the built environment in the Province
of Ontario, [Toronto] : Visual Arts Ontario, 1982, xii, 276
p., at p. 199: ill.; 31 cm. NOTES: Bibliography: p. 276, ISBN:
Jemmett, Mary Ella Maud Martineau, 1892-1986, (McKendry; Queen's
University; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Jeney, Eva, 1950-, 9Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Jenicek, Jana, 1941-, (Roundstone Council for the Arts;
Robert 83; Artistes plasticiens
par Comeau; Biographical Index
------of Artists in Canada; Marché
de la peinture au Québec 1991/1992)
Jenkins, Anthony (Tony), 1961-, (Biographical Index of Artists in
Jenkins, Anthony (Tony), 1951-, born in Toronto (Caricatures 1992;
Editorial cartoons; History of Canadian Political Cartooning)
Jenkins, Cathryn, 1957-, (Magazin'art Biennial Guide 98-99;
Magazin'art, v. 9(2), 1996-97, pp. 49-52
------and 77-78(E))
Jenkins, Fran, 1933-, (Magazin'art Biennial Guide 98-99;
Magazin'art, v. 9(2), 1996-97, pp. 49-52
------and 77-78(E))
Jenkins, Gail Elizabeth, 1941-, tapissière, (Artistes plasticiens par
Jenkins, John George, 1920-2003, born in Wilkie, SK ( Roundstone
Council for the Arts 2; Biographical Index of Artists
------ in Canada; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Sales Index 1989-90; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 3, p. 557)
Jenkins, Lynne, (Being Scene 2007 Art Exhibition)
Jenkins, Nicholas, (YYZ Artists' Outlet: 1979-1989)
Jenkins, Patrick (YYZ Artists' Outlet: 1979-1989)
References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Jenkins, Paul (Sales Index 1989-90)
Jenkins, S.P., act. c. 1863 (Coverdale Collection of Canadiana)
Jenkyns, Kenneth Mark, 1950-, (Roundstone Council for the Arts;
Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Jenne, Kevin, 1972-, (ARTBOMB--11 and 29 April 2014; 31 July
2017); artist's site
Jennings, Gordon, born in Saint John, New Brunswick (Atlantic Art
Jennings, Lorna Karen, 1936-, (Biographical Index of Artists in
Jensen, Doreen, 1933-2009 carver (Indian Artists at Work)
Publication on Leroy Jensen et al.:
Lazarus, Eve, Claudia Maria Cornwall, Wendy Newbold Patterson,
The life and art of Frank Molnar, Jack Hardman,
LeRoy Jensen, Salt Spring Island,
B.C. : Mother Tongue Pub., ©2009, xi, 146 pages : illustrations
(chiefly color), portraits (some color) ; 24 cm.,
Note: introduction by Max Wyman, ISBN: 9781896949024, 1896949029.
Image source: with Edmonton
Book Store (Edmonton,
AB, Canada), accessed 14 November 2019.
Jensen, LeRoy Hackett, 1927-2005, (Biographical Index of Artists
in Canada; Dictionary of
Canadian Artists, vol. 3, pp. 557-558;
Jensen, Lis, (L'art au féminin)
Jensen, Paul Ejlert, 1893-1963, born in Denmark and died in
Jensen-Nagle, Joshua (Galerie de Bellefeuille -- 2015)
Jenson, L.B., 1921-2005,
Jenssen, Bent (Dictionary of
Canadian Artists, vol. 3, p. 557)
Jephcott, Suzanne, 1939-, (Artistes
plasticiens par Comeau)
Jephson, Harriet Julia Campbell, 1854-1930 (Biographical Index of
Artists in Canada)
Jequel, Jack, 1932-1991, (Vallée 89; Vallée 93; Bruens 90)
Jerome, Amélie (ARTBOMB--19 October 2016; 14 January 2017)
Jeromic, Miodrag, (membre professionnel du Regroupement des
artistes en arts visuels du Québec -- 2012)
Jérémie, (Robert 83)
Jericevic, Antoine, 1939-, sculpt. (Artistes plasticiens par Comeau)
Jérome, Amélie (ARTBOMB--2 December 2016)
References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Jérôme, Daniel (Illustrateurs et illustratrices du Québec 1989)
Frère Jérôme (photographe inconnu)
[Reproduction de la photo apparaissant dans le livre: Jean
Trépanier, Cent peintres du
Québec, Ville
LaSalle: Éditions Hurtubise HMH, 1980, à la p. 80 (Collection; Les
Cahiers du Québec, Collection
Livre sur Jean-Paul Jérôme:
Courteau, Bernard, Jean-Paul Jérôme: le peintre de l'absence,
Montréal: Éditions Émile-Nelligan, 2016, 332 p., ISBN:
Source de l'image:,
visité 10 juin 2016
Thèse sur Jean-Paul Jérôme:
Julie, Le
Rôle de la
couleur dans l 'œuvre pictural de Jean-Paul
de maîtrise, Montréal, Université du Québec à Montréal, 2007, 233 f.
Jérôme, Frère (Ulric Aimé Paradis), 1902-1994 (Magazin'art, v.
10(2), 1997, pp. 33-34;
------Collectionneur 95, vol. IX, # 33, pp. 28-30; Magazin'art
Biennial Guide 98-99; Magazin'art,
------v. 8(1), 1995, p. 32; Vallée 89; Vallée 93; Robert 83; Reid;
Trépanier; Robert 78; MAC;
------Bernier; Gagnon; Galerie éducative De-la-Salle; Artistes plasticiens par
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol.
5, pp.1492-1493;
------Peinture et sculpture québécoises 1670-1995 par Ostiguy)
De gauche à droite sur cette photo prise à l'École des Beaux-Arts
de Montréal en 1947 : Jean-Paul
Jérôme, Léo Brisset,
modèle nu, le professeur Stanley Cosgrove et M. Baillard.
Jérome, Jean-Paul, sign. "Les Plasticiens",
1928-2004, (McKendry; Leclerc; Robert 78; Québec 1940-1966;
------Harper; Reid; Robert 83; MQ; Trépanier; Burnett; Bernier;
années 50; Collection numérique d'estampes de la
------ Bibliothèque nationale du Québec; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Biographical
Index of Artists in Canada;
------Sales Index 1989-90; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol.
3, pp. 558-559)
Jeschke, Jasmin Janette (Sheridan Institute's Illustration
Program 2007 Graduating Class)
Jesenko, Anna, 1925-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
Artisans créateurs du Québec)
Jesenko, Walter (Artisans créateurs du Québec)
Jessop, Cyril, 1881-1967, photographer; site
on the artist
References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Jessop, Gerald William, 1947-, born in Ponteix, SK (Biographical
Dictionary of Saskatchewan Men Artists)
Jetté, Ysabel (Collection Loto-Québec)
Jetten, Doreen, fl 1953 (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
Dictionary of Canadian Artists,
vol. 3, p. 559)
Jeudy, Danielle;
Jewell, Milton, 1938-, (Burnett; Biographical Index of Artists in
Jewer, Jean (City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013)
Jickling, Jim (Toronto Dominion Bank Collection)...research: check
for James ThomasJIckling, 1930-2020
Jim, Matilda (Indian Artists at Work)
Jimmie, Margaret (Indian Artists at Work)
Jimmie, Therasa (Indian Artists at Work)
Jirar, Claude, 1944-, (Roundstone Council for the Arts; Collection des livres d'artistes de la Bibliothèque
nationale du Québec;
------Artistes plasticiens
par Comeau; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; membre
professionnel du Regroupement des
------artistes en arts visuels du Québec -- 2012)
J.K. (Collection des livres d'artistes
de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)
J.M. (L'art populaire au berceau de la Nouvelle-France)
Joachin, Monique, céramiste (Artisans créateurs du Québec)
Joanassie, 1938-, sculpt. (Biographical Index of Artists in
Joanassie, 1935-, (Sculpture/Inuit 1971, plate 197)
Joanessealuk, (Dalhousie Art Gallery)
Joanis, Aline; artist's
/ site de l'artiste
Joanis, Monique, 1937-, (Vallée 89; Vallée 93)
Joannette, Michelle, 1953-, (L'aquarelle au Québec --2; Marché de la peinture au Québec
Joannette, Renée, potier (Artisans créateurs du Québec)
Jobert, Paul C.F., 1863-, fl 1925 (Biographical Index of Artists
in Canada)
Jobidon, Famille (L'art populaire au berceau de la
Jobin, Achille, 1847/8-, fl 1875-81 (Biographical Index of Artists
in Canada)
Jobin, André Yvan, 1885-, (Artistes
plasticiens par Comeau)
Jobin, Batrice (Lemieux 74)
References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Jobin, Ferdinand, 1813/17-, died in 1871, sculpt. (Biographical
Index of Artists in Canada)
Jobin, Gaétane, 1939-, (Marché
de la peinture au Québec 1991/1992)
Jobin, Gérald, artisan du cuir (Répertoire 1983 des membres
accrédités de la Corporation Salon des Métiers d'art du Québec --
Jobin, Gilles, 1942-, (Vallée 93; Robert 83; Trépanier 83; Cote
officielle d'artistes du Québec 1978)
Publication par Ivan Jobin:
Jobin, Ivan, Gérard Comète, Ligne droite ou
ligne courbe? Cône ou sphère optique? : nouvelles
théories de perspective artistique et pratique
illustrées d'une gravure sur bois, d'une planche hors texte,
Montreal : Editions Albert Lévesque, 1932, 125 pages :
illustrations, portrait ; 25 cm, Notes: dessins de l'auteur et de
notre collaborateur, Gérard Comète; source de l'image du livre:, visitée le 20 octobre 2019.
Jobin, Ivan (Yvan), 1886-c1975, (McKendry; Laliberté; Biographical
Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary
of Canadian Artists, vol. 3, pp. 559-560)
Jobin, Jacques, coutelier, (Magazin'art, v. 9(1), 1996, p. 43)
Photo de Louis Jobin, 1845-1928, à la fin de sa vie (photographe
inconnu, Archives de la
basilique de Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré).
Jobin, Louis, 1845-1928, sculpt., (MQ; NG2; Art Gallery of
Ontario; Hubbard; L'art au Canada français;
------L'art du Québec; Folk Artists; MQ 2; Art Gallery of
Hamilton; L'art populaire du Québec; Laliberté;
------Creative Canada,
1972; Artistes plasticiens
par Comeau; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Sales Index 1989-90; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol.
3, pp. 560-562; Hommage à nos
------Peinture et sculpture québécoises 1670-1995 par Ostiguy;
L'art populaire au berceau de la Nouvelle-France;
------Dictionnaire historique de la sculpture québécoise au XXe
Louis Jobin, 1845-1928, Boeuf, circa 1885, bois polychrome, 43 x 76 cm,
Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto.
"Barbeau, Lismer and I went across to Ste. Anne de Beaupré to visit Louis Jobin, the last of the old woodcarvers.
He looked very patriarchal, with long hair and white beard. We found him chopping a figure of Christ out of a
pine log. Barbeau introduced Lismer and me as two members of the Group of Seven. He had heard of us, he said;
"Ils cassent les vitres". We were the boys who were breaking windows. He told us woodcarving was finished;
Belgian bronzes and Italian plaster casts had put it out of business. He had worked in New York and, during the
hard times, in Montreal where he had made most of the wooden Indians that used to stand outside the tobacco
stores. Out in his backyard there were a lot of rejected works, weathering and rotting; among them I found an
admirable angel. I wrote to Mr. Greig, the Curator of the Art Gallery of Toronto, advising him the Gallery could
have it for seventy-five dollars. Greig sent a cheque by return mail and Jobin was delighted, not only to have the
money but to be represented at an important art gallery."
[A.Y. Jackson, A Painter's Country: The autobiography by A.Y. Jackson with a foreword by the Rt. Hon. Vincent
Massey, Toronto and Vancouver: Clarke, Irwin & Company Limited, 1958, first published in paperback format in
1964, xviii, 204 p., at p. 81]
Jobin, Narcisse, act. 1871, sculpt., (McKendry)
Jobin, Theodore, 1873-, fl 1955 (Biographical Index of Artists in
References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Jobin, Yvan, voir Jobin, Ivan;
Jocelyn, Tim, 1952-1986 (YYZ Artists' Outlet: 1979-1989)
Jocko (Collection d'art de la Ville de Gatineau -- 2019)
Jodouin, Aimé, photographer
Jodoin, Andre (YYZ Artists' Outlet: 1979-1989)
Jodoin, France, 1961-, (Collection Loto-Québec; Thompson Landry
Gallery -- Contemporary Artists 2015)
in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Jodoin, Raymonde, 1953-, (L'art et le papier 5; Collection
Loto-Québec; membre professionnel du Regroupement des artistes
------en arts visuels du Québec -- 2012; ARTBOMB--5, 8, 18 and 25
July 2019); site de
l'artiste / artist's site
Jodoin, Sophie, (L'art au féminin; Collection numérique
d'estampes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)
Jodouin, Diane, 1944-, (Vallée 93)
Jodouin, Yves, 1941-, (Vallée 89; Vallée 93; Bruens 89; membre
signataire de la Société canadienne de l'aquarelle en 2012)
Joe, David Wing On, 1952-, (Biographical Index of Artists in
Joe, Evelyn (Indian Artists at Work)
Joe, Mendelson Birrel Josef Mendelson), 1944-, (Folk
Artists; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada);
Joe, Monica (Indian Artists at Work)
Joe, Sarah (Povungnituk
References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Joel, Jack (Toronto Dominion Bank Collection)
Joel, Jack, 1940-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Joe, Philip, 1945-, (Dictionary
of Canadian Artists, vol. 3, p. 562)
Joeri, Chaotic (Collection des livres d'artistes
de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)
Johansen, Colette (Roussan 2013)
Johnassie, 1923-1984, sculpt., (Biographical Index of
Artists in Canada)
Johnassie Kavik, 1916-1984, sculpt, (Biographical Index of Artists
in Canada)
Johanson, Collin (RBC Canadian
Painting Competition)
John, Inuit art, Belcher Islands, (Larmour)
John, Augustus, 1878-1961 (Art at the Service of War)
"During World War I, he was attached to the Canadian forces as a war
artist and made a number of memorable portraits of Canadian infantrymen.
The end result was to have been a huge mural for Lord Beaverbrook and the
sketches and cartoon for this suggest that it might have become his greatest
large-scale work. However, like so many of his monumental conceptions,
it was never completed. As a war artist, he was allowed to keep his facial
hair and therefore, he and King George V were the only Army officers in
the Allied forces to have a beard.[14] After two months in France he was
sent home in disgrace after taking part in a brawl.[15] Lord Beaverbrook,
whose intervention saved John from a court-martial, sent him back to France
where he produced studies for a proposed Canadian War Memorial picture,
although the only major work to result from the experience was Fraternity.[16]
In 2011, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge finally unveiled this mural at
the Canadian War Museum in OttawaThe Canadians Opposite Lens.
This unfinished painting is 12 feet high by 40 feet long.[17]"
(source: , accessed 23 August 2016)
John, Jimmy, died in BC 1988 (Indian Artists at Work)
John Nedelkovic,Radisha (Collection d'art de la Ville de Gatineau
-- 2019)
Johnniebo, 1923-1972, (National Museum of Man; Roch; McMaster
University; Art Auctions 1976-1978;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Johnny, Meeko, 1933-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Johns, A. Wilfrid (Dictionary of
Canadian Artists, vol. 3, p. 562)
Johns, Jeanette (Lisa Kehler Art + Projects Winnipeg)
References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Johns, Linda, (Smart; L'estampe à Québec; Marion McCain Atlantic Art Exhibition 2000)
Anne was a member of the Kamloops Arts and Crafts
Club, the Federation of Canadian Artists and the Canadian
Society of Painters in Watercolour and was an inspirational
teacher of numerous printmaking and watercolour classes
over the years.
[Photo and text reproduced from her death notice at timminspress, accessed 1 November 2023]
Johnson, Anne McAllister (née Dunn), 1916-2015, (Biographical
Index of Artists in Canada)
Johnson, Arthur, 1918-, (Queen's University; Biographical Index of
Artists in Canada)
[Image reproduced from the following book: Agnes Etherington Art
Centre, Permanent Collection
[Kingston: Agnes Etherington Art Centre Queen's University at
Kingston], 1968, at p. 66.]
Johnson, Barbara (Alberta Society of Artists)
Johnson, Brian R. (Robert) , 1932-2020, (Shell Canada Collection;
Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Brian Johnson was born in Victoria. He graduated with distinction from the
Art Center College of Design in Los Angeles, California. After graduating
he worked at Earle A. Morrison, Industrial Design in Vancouver for several
years. He later became a marine artist and with his family moved back to
Victoria. His membership in the Canadian Society of Marine Artists was
confirmed in 1986; and he became a member of the Royal Institute of
Painters in Water Colours in 1998. At the Royal Institue, he was awarded
their annual medal for most outstanding work. He found that watercolour,
with its great range, allowed him to create special paintings.
[source of text: Canadian Society of Marine Artists, Picton, Ontario, available
at, accessed 18 January 2021]
Johnson, Bruce, 1965-, (Mount Saint Vincent University
Johnson, Bruce Henderson, 1926-1996, (Biographical Index of
Artists in Canada; Dictionary
of Canadian Artists, vol. 3, pp. 562-563)
Johnson, Carl (Collection des livres d'artistes
de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)
Johnson, Catherine, 1883, sculpt. (Biographical Index of Artists
in Canada)
Johnson, Charmian, 1939-2020, born in Pouce Coupe, B.C. (Claridge
Inc. catalogue; Contemporary British Columbia
------ Artists; 200 Years of Botanical Art in British Columbia)
References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Johnson, Debra, artisane du cuir (Répertoire 1983 des membres
accrédités de la Corporation Salon des Métiers d'art du Québec --
Johnson, Douglas, c1924-, (Biographical Index of Artists in
Canada; Dictionary of Canadian
Artists, vol. 3, pp. 563-564)
Johnson, Edwin J., 1889-1972, fl 1971 (Biographical Index of
Artists in Canada; Dictionary
of Canadian Artists, vol. 3, p. 564)
Johnson, Esther (Dictionary of
Canadian Artists, vol. 3, p. 564)
Johnson, Frederick Murray Godshall, 1882-c1942 (Biographical Index
of Artists in Canada)
Johnson, Harlan, 1956-, (Collection Lavalin du Musée d'art
contemporain de Montréal; Collection Loto-Québec;
------membre professionnel du Regroupement des artistes en arts
visuels du Québec -- 2012; Corporate collections;
------YYZ Artists' Outlet: 1979-1989); artist's site
Johnson, Helen Dorothy, 1899-, (Biographical Index of Artists in
Johnson, Helen G., fl 1893-4 (Biographical Index of Artists in
Johnson, J. William, 1948-, (Nova Scotia's Contemporary Landscape
Johnson, Jacob (Sheridan Institute's Illustration Program 2007
Graduating Class)
Johnson, John (City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013)
Johnson, John Oswald, c1880-1964 (Biographical Index of Artists in
Johnson, Jonathan (RBC Canadian
Painting Competition)
Johnson, Kathleen Beatrice, 1917-1998, Willowdale, Ontario, (
Roundstone Council for the Arts 2; Biographical Index of Artists
in Canada;
------Sales Index 1989-90; Dictionary
of Canadian Artists, vol. 3, pp. 564-565; Ontario
Collection; Early Women Artists)
Johnson, Keith, 1936-, (McMaster University)
Johnson, Lesley, 1972-; artist's site
Johnson, Lindsay, 1940-, (Tradition ukrainienne au Canada)
Johnson, Margaret, "Dr. Granny", 1915-2010, basket making, bead
working and sewing (Art Gallery of Nova Scotia Permanent
------Collection: Selected Works; Mount Saint Vincent
University Collection)
References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Johnson, Mark (Faces of Canada -- Photography)
Johnson, Martha (ARTBOMB--14 September 2013); artist's site
Martha Johnson, Talisman, acrylic on panel, 91.4 x 121.9
cm /36 x 48",
sold at "Waddington's Concrete
Contemporary Sale March 4 2014",
see image source at;
I would
like to thank the artist for her permission to reproduce (6
January 2016).
Johnson, Michael, (L'estampe à Québec; Collection Loto-Québec)
Johnson, Michael, (Arts of the Raven)
Johnson, Nancy, 1953-, (Balkind; YYZ Artists' Outlet:
Johnson, Natalie Gordon Wilson, (Biographical Index of Artists in
Johnson, Pauline (Takehionwake), 1861-1913 (Canadian
Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University)
References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Johnson, Philippa, fl 1949+ (Biographical Index of Artists in
Photo of Rae Johnson, published by Toronto Star, 23 May
reproduced from
(accessed 30 July 2022).
Johnson, Rae, 1953-2020, (Burnett; Balkind; Contemporary Canadian
Art; YYZ Artists' Outlet: 1979-1989;
------YYZ Artists' Outlet: 1979-1989); site
on the artist
Rae Johnson, The Bath,
1985, oil on canvas, 66" x 85", photo provenance: Carmen Lamanna
[Text and photo from Asheleigh Moorhouse, Art, Sight and Language: A Reading /
Writing of some Contemporary
Canadian Art, Kapuskasing: Penumbra Press, 1989, pp.
Johnson, Sarah Anne, born in Winnipeg, 1976-, (Vie des arts, numéro 223,
vol. 45, été 2011, p. 19; Oh,
Canada: Contemporary Art -- 2012;
------National Gallery of Canada -- Recent Acquisitions; Builders:
Biennial 2012; Stephen Bulger Gallery Toronto)
Markonish, Denise, editor organizer, Massachusetts Museum of
Contemporary Art Organizer, Oh, Canada : contemporary art from
north North America /
edited by Denise Markonish, Cambridge, Massachusetts ; London,
England : The MIT Press, [2012] ©2012, 399 pages : illustrations
(chiefly colour), maps, portraits ; 27 cm. NOTES: Published
in the occasion of an exhibition at the Massachusetts Museum of
Contemporary Art,
May 26, 2012 through April 1, 2013. Includes bibliographical
references. ISBN: 9780262018357 (hardcover : alk. paper)
Johnson, Sayward; artist's
Johnson, Tennyson, 1928-2005, webpage
on the artistt--page web sur l'artiste
Note de recherche
Nous remercions monsieur Bob Aubery de nous avoir fait connaître
cet artiste
par courriel,,
envoyé à François Lareau le 8 décembre
Johnson, Terence L., 1940-2021 (Biographical Index of
Artists in Canada; Corporate collections)
Johnson, William, (Dalhousie Art Gallery)
Johnson, William, c1715-1774 (Biographical Index of Artists in
Johnson, William James, 1927-, (Biographical Index of Artists in
Canada; Dictionary of Canadian
Artists, vol. 3, p. 565)
Johnson, W.A., fl 1835-79 (Biographical Index of Artists in
Johnstad, Byron (Canadian Potters at Work)
Johnston, Bege, 1948-, (
Johnston, Clifford
Milton, 1896-1951 (Amateur photography in Canada / 1839-1940); see
Clifford M. Johnston fonds at
References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Johnston, David S., Port Credit, Ontario, ( Roundstone Council
for the Arts 2; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Johnston, Dorothy Paine Dunn, 1925-, (Biographical Index of
Artists in Canada; Dictionary
of Canadian Artists, vol. 3, pp. 565-566;
------Early Women Artists)
Photo of Frances-Anne Johnston in article "Franklin Arbuckles:
Exhibit Accepts Paintings Of Both Husband, Wife", The Montreal
Gazette, 19 November 1954 at p. 10 and available
at p. 27, accessed 15 January 2020; NOTE:
Frances-Anne Johnston was married to another painter Franklin
Publication on Frances-Anne Johnston:
Rebecca Basciano, organizer, writer of added commentary, Catharine
Mastin, 1963-, writer of added commentary, Frances-Anne
Ottawa Art Gallery, publisher, Frances-Anne Johnston: art and
life= art et
vie, Ottawa, ON, Canada :
Ottawa Art Gallery = Galerie d'art d'Ottawa, [2022],
117 pages :
illustrations (chiefly color) ; 27 cm, ISBN: 9781894906623,
image of book reproduced
with credit to book seller
AussieBookSeller (Truganina, VIC, Australia)
(sites accessed 23 May 2023).
Johnston, Frances-Anne, 1910-1987 (NG2; Art Auctions 1976-1978;
Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Sales Index
------Dictionary of Canadian
Artists, vol. 3, p. 566; Early Women Artists)
Frances-Anne Johnston, Fruits
and Wine, reproduced from the Jubilee Year Catalogue, 75th Annual Canadian
Academy of Arts, 1954, at p. 13.
Photo de Johnston, Frank, 1888-1949
Johnston, Franz (Francis; Franz; Frank) Hans, 1888-1949, Group of
------des Sept, (McKendry; Vallée 83; Vallée 89; Vallée 93; Reid;
Harper; NG2; Hubbard;
------Hill; Art Gallery of Ontario; Firestone Art Collection;
McMichael Canadian Art
------Collection; Lord; Newlands; Giles; 100 Years of Art in
Manitoba; Canada at
------War; Modern Painting; Canvas of War; Fine Arts in Canada;
Winnipeg Art Gallery;
------Development of Painting in Canada: 1665-1945; The Canadian
Society of Painters
------in Water Colour; Winnipeg School of Art; Creative Canada, 1971;
History of Art in
------Toronto Schools; Art Auctions 1976-1978; Sales Index 1989-90; Ontario Collection;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol.
3, pp. 566-570);
Johnston, Frank H., 1888-1949, Fire-Swept, Algoma, 1920,
oil on canvas, 127.5 x 167.5 cm, National Gallery of Canada,
Ottawa / Musée des beaux-arts du
Canada, Ottawa.
Johnston, George, act. 1970-, (Folk Artists)
Johnston, George ("Twitter"), 1899-1963, (Nova Scotia Folk Art)
Johnston, Gillian, 1950-, (Marché
la peinture au Québec 1991/1992)
References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Book on Gladys Johnston:
JOHNSTON, Gladys M., Patricia Ainslie, Chris Cran 1949-,
Glenbow Museum,
The vibrant art of Gladys Johnston,
Calgary, Alta. :
Glenbow Museum, 1988,
30 pages :
illustrations (chiefly color), portraits ; 23 cm, ISBN: 0919224806,
notes: "On occasion
of an itinerant exhibition", image
(accessed 3 July 2021) and Voilà catalogue and WorldCat database.
Johnston, Gladys, 1906-1983 (Canadian
Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University)
Johnston, Gordon, 1920-1983, (Biographical Index of Artists in
Johnston, Heather (ARTBOMB--4 March and 16 and 24 April 2019)
Johnston, Ian, 1961-, (Wil Aballe Art Projects Vancouver)
Johnston, Iris, 1918-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Johnston, James Dalzell, 1918-, (Biographical Index of Artists in
Canada; Dictionary of Canadian
Artists, vol. 3, p. 570);
------site on the
Johnston, Jude (Sight Specific: Lesbians & Representation)
Johnston, Lloyd Vernon, c1906-, (Biographical Index of Artists in
Johnston, Lynn, 1947-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Johnston, M./M.A., fl 1896-7 (Biographical Index of Artists in
Johnston, Nola, 1954-, (
Johnston, Olivia (City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013)
Johnston, P.T., 1842-c1926 (Biographical Index of Artists in
Johnston, Patricia Wilson, Vancouver, fl 1970, ( Roundstone
Council for the Arts 2; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Johnston, Peter, 1949-, sculpt. (Biographical Index of Artists in
References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Johnston, Randolph Wardell, 1904-1992, (Biographical Index of
Artists in Canada)
Johnston, Robert Edwin, 1885-1933 (Biographical Index of Artists
in Canada; Dictionary of
Canadian Artists, vol. 3, p. 571)
Photo de John Young Johnstone debout à droite dans son atelier,
collection particulière (photo: UQAM)
[Photo reproduite de celle apparaissant dans le livre suivant:
Johnstone, John Young, 1887-1930 (Robert 78; NG2; Hubbard; Robert
64; Fine Arts in Canada; Collection Lavalin du Musée d'art
------ contemporain de Montréal; Laliberté; Artistes plasticiens par
Comeau; Magazin'art, v. 17(3), 2005, pp. 133-135 and 187-190(E);
------Art Auctions 1976-1978; Biographical Index of Artists in
Canada; Sales Index 1989-90; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol.
------ p. 571);
National Galllery of Canada, Pierre B. Landry, 1953-, editor,
Claire Champ, 1964-, collaborator,
Canadian Art, Volume Two/ G-K, Ottawa: National Gallery of
Canada, 1994, xiii, 401 p., at p. 348 (series;
Catalogue of the National Gallery of Canada; vol. 2; ISSN:
0826-9734); note: also published in French
under the title: "Art canadien", ISBN: 088884638X (v. 2)
Images for John Young Johnstone
Johnstone, William, 1866-1928 (Biographical Index of Artists in
Jojich, Danica, 1956-, (Dictionnaire historique de la sculpture
québécoise au XXe siècle)
Jokic, Georges, né en ex-Yougoslavie, (Roussan 2005)
Jolicoeur, Andrée, 1924-, sculpt., (MAC; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau)
Jolicoeur, Jean-Pierre, artisans, chandelles (Répertoire 1983 des
membres accrédités de la Corporation Salon des Métiers
------ d'art du Québec -- SMAQ)
Jolicoeur, Michel, 1946-, (Roundstone Council for the Arts)
References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Nicole Jolicoeur, source: site de l'artiste,
site vsitée le 1er mars 2022.
Publication par Nicole Jolicoeur:
Jolicoeur, Nicole, 1955-, (YYZ Artists' Outlet:
Jolicoeur, Normand, 1954-, (Vallée 89; Vallée 93; Bruens
Jolicoeur-Côté, Lucie, 1932-, (L'art et le papier 4; L'art et le
papier 5; L'art et le papier 6; Collection
des livres d'artistes de la
------Bibliothèque nationale du Québec; L'art et le papier 7;
L'art et le papier 3; Collection Loto-Québec; Collection numérique
------d'estampes de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec; Vie des arts, numéro 221,
vol. 45, hiver 2010-2011, pp. 70-71; 70 artistes
------/ 70 estampes --2018)
Jolicouer, Michel, 1946-, (Biographical Index of Artists in
Jolivet/Jolinet, Albert, fl 1869-79 (Biographical Index of Artists
in Canada)
Jolliet, Louis, 1645-1700 (Biographical Index of Artists in
Jolliffe, Michael, 1945-, (Burnett; Swain; Collection Lavalin du
Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau;
------Montréal, Michel Tétreault
art contemporain; Corporate collections; Claridge Inc.
Jolly, Deborah (ARTBOMB--22 March, ? July, 15 August, 16
September, 21 and 26 December 2014; 25 November, 22 and
------ 28 December 2015; 3 January and 26 June 2016)
Jolly, François, 1951-, (Robert 83; LeBourthis; Artistes plasticiens par
Jolois, Jean-Jacques, 1931-1999, artiste-peintre
Joly, Benoît (Illustrateurs et illustratrices du Québec 1986-87)
Joly, Ernest, 1904-, (Folk Artists; Patenteux du Québec)
Joly, Gérard (Illustrateurs et illustratrices du Québec 1986-87)
Joly, Nicole (membre professionnel du Regroupement des artistes en
arts visuels du Québec -- 2012)
Joly, Pierrette, 1948-, (Vallée 89; Vallée 93; Roussan 2001;
Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2002-2003; Magazin'art Biennial Guide
Joly Tournay, Nicole, (Pluralisme au Québec)
Jomphe, Marius, 1952-, (Artistes
plasticiens par Comeau)
Jonanassi (Sculpture/Inuit 1971, plate 307)
Jonassen, Ole, c1898-?, (McKendry)
References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Jonasson, G.N. Louise, 1954-, (University of Winnipeg Collection
-- Women)
Jonathan, D.M., 1939-, (Pluralisme au Québec)
Photo de Huguette Joncas, accompagnant l'article de René Lord,
"Huguette Joncas: comme l'oiseau", Le Nouvelliste, samedi,
mai 1978, à la p. 18, disponible pour lecture à collections.banq.qc.
(site consulté le 21 août 2021)
Joncas, Huguette, 1950-2020, artiste-peintre et sculpteure
Joncas, Louis (City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013; Galerie
Laroche/Joncas Montréal)
Joncas, Margo (Collection numérique d'estampes de la Bibliothèque
nationale du Québec)
Maurice Joncas, source de l'
(site consulté le 4 juillet 2021).
Joncas, Maurice, 1936-2021, (Vallée 89; Vallée 93; Sculpteurs en
art populaire au Québec par Levasseur -- Tome 1)
Joncas, Marie-Josée, 1959-, (Pluralisme au Québec)
Joncas-Veillet, Stella, 1940-, née à Pointe-Jaune, QC (Magazin'art
Biennial Guide 2002-2003; Gaspésie des artistes; Magazin'art
------ Guide 2006-2008)
Stella Joncas-Veillet, Cantabile, 1994, huile, 9 x 12",
vu sur
(consulté 21 janvier 2025).
Jone, Wing, 1922-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol.
3, p. 572)
Jones, Alfred, 1819-1900 (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Jones, Alice, fl 1902+ (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Jones, Amanda, born in England (Senior member of the Federation of
Canadian Artists -- 2012)
Jones, Arthur James, fl 1838-49 (Biographical Index of Artists in
Jones, Barrie, 1950-, (Vancouver:
Art and Artists 1931-1983; Photography -- Collection of
the National Film Board)
Jones, Bill, 1946-, (Vancouver:
Art and Artists 1931-1983), see Jones, William
Jones, Bill (YYZ Artists' Outlet: 1979-1989)
Jones, Brian, 1950-2008 ( Roundstone Council for the Arts 2;
Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Brian Jones, Hendley-on-Thames, 1980, watercolour, 20.3 x
28.5 " / 51.6 x 72.4 cm;
source of image: Waddingtons, Discovery Art, 24-29 April 2021, lot
14, at waddingtons.
accessed 24 April 2021.
Jones, Champoin, (Art Auctions 1976-1978)
References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Jones, Charlotte (Smart; Marion McCain Atlantic Art Exhibition
Jones, Chilion, 1835-1912 (Biographical Index of Artists in
Jones, Daniel Herbert, 1875-1954, (University of Guelph;
Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Jones, David, act. 1823-1835, (McKendry)
Jones, David Thomas, c1796-1844 (Biographical Index of Artists in
Jones, David W. (City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013;
ARTBOMB--30 March, 24 April, 10 June
------and 12 August 2018); artist's
Jones, Dennis, 1932-2007, (Carleton; Creative Canada, 1971; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol.
3, p. 572)
Jones, Dora Ligertwood, 1894-, (100 Years of Art in Manitoba)
Jones, Dennis Gordon, 1932-, (Biographical Index of Artists in
Jones, Edith Victoria, 1918-, fl 1953 (Biographical Index of
Artists in Canada; Dictionary
of Canadian Artists, vol. 3, p. 572)
Edith Jones, Cariboo Alkali Pond, 1974, serigraph, 3/6,
13.75 x 18" -- 34.93 x 45.72 cm,
on sale at Westbridge Fine Art Auction House, 29 January 2022, lot
46, image source:,
accessed 25 January 2022.
Jones, Edna May, 1921-2003, painter
Jones, Elizabeth Field, 1805-1890, (McKendry; Folk Artists;
Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Photo of Fran Jones, 1958, at the Queen's Printer
(National Archives of Canada, PA 146192)
Jones, Frances (Fran) Martha, 1916-2002, (Biographical Index of
Artists in Canada; Carleton; Dictionary
Canadian Artists,
------vol. 3, p. 573)
Jones, Frances, see Bannerman, Frances M.
Jones, G.B., 1965-;
Jones, Garry, 1949-, (Alberta artists; Biographical Index of
Artists in Canada)
Jones, H., see David Jones, (McKendry)
Jones, Harry Ernest, 1892-1954, (Biographical Index of Artists in
Canada; Dictionary of Canadian
Artists, vol. 3, pp. 573-574;
------Alberta Society of Artists)
Jones, Mrs. Helen (The Canadian Society of Painters in Water
Jones, Helen Isabel, 1909-, (Biographical Index of Artists in
Canada; Dictionary of Canadian
Artists, vol. 3, p. 574)
Henry Wanton Jones (photographie reproduite de Musée des Beaux
Arts de Montréal, 35 peintres
dans l'actualité, 1957;
photographe inconnu).
Jones, Henry Wanton (Jimmy), 1925-2021, (Magazin'art
Biennial Guide 98-99; Roussan 98; Vallée 83; Vallée 89; Vallée 93;
------Collectionneur 91, vol. VIII, # 30, pp. 32-36; Robert 83;
Viau; Roussan 82; Sir George Williams University;
------Duval; Sculpture Walks; Bernier; Panorama de la sculpture; Collection
Loto-Québec; Artistes
plasticiens par Comeau;
----- Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Sales Index 1989-90; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 3, pp.
------Marché de la peinture au
Québec 1991/1992)
Book on H.W. "Jimmy Jones":
Tanguay, Bernard, 1951-, Autour de H.W. Jimmy Jones /
Bernard Tanguay, Québec : Loup de Gouttière, 1996,
163 p. : ill. (certaines en coul.), portr. ; 23 cm. SERIES: Autour
de. ISBN: 2921310651
Image source:,
accessed 17 October 2015
-- Henry Wanton Jones
Jones, Hugh Bolton, 1848-1927 (Biographical Index of Artists in
Jones, Hugh G., 1872-1947, (NG2; Hubbard; The Canadian Society of
Painters in Water Colour; Artistes
plasticiens par Comeau;
------Art Auctions 1976-1978; Biographical Index of Artists in
Canada; Sales Index 1989-90; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol.
3, pp. 575-577)
Jones, Ida, fl 1850-7 (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Jomes. I.M. (Photos 1895-1924)
References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Jones, Imogene, fl 1857-9 (Biographical Index of Artists in
Jones, J.L., 1850-, fl 1893 (Biographical Index of Artists in
Jones, Jacobine (Phyllis Jacobine), sculptor, 1898-1976,
(Hubbard; Tippett; McKendry; University of Guelph;
-----Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Canadian
Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University)
Jones, Janet, 1957-, (YYZ Artists' Outlet:
1979-1989; Katzman Contemporary art gallery in Toronto)
Jones, Jim, 1942-, (NG2; MAC; Biographical Index of Artists in
Jones, John, fl 1969-97 (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Jones, John (jack), 1873-1963 (Block Prints; Biographical Index of
Artists in Canada;100 Years of Art in Manitoba)
Jones, John Wallace (Photos 1895-1924)
Jones, Kent, (Smart; Collection Lavalin du Musée d'art
contemporain de Montréal; Marion McCain Atlantic Art Exhibition
Jones, Lewellyn Petley, 1908-1986 (Alberta Society of Artists)
Jones, Lulu, fl 1882, died in 1920 (Biographical Index of Artists
in Canada)
Jones, Maria (Mrs. John Jones), potter (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 3, p. 579)
Jones, Maria, 1976-; artist's site
Jones, Marvin, 1940-, (Roundstone Council for the Arts;
Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Jones, Miranda (Crafts from Canada's Four Atlantic Provinces 1982)
Jones, Morgan (ARTBOMB--9 and 31 August, 1 October, 19
November and 16 December 2016; 2, 7 and 16 February and 18, 26
------and 29 March 2017); artist's site;
Jones, Myron, 1949-, ( Roundstone Council for the Arts 2; Toronto
Dominion Bank Collection; Art Auctions 1976-1978;
------Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Sales Index 1989-90)
Jones, Patricia, 1933-, (Alberta Society of Artists)
Jones, Phyllis Jacobine, 1898-1976 (Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 3, pp.
577-579; Early Women Artists)
Jones, Richmond (Image 6: Contemporary Photography 1970)
References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Jones, Rupert, 1924-, sculpt. (Artistes
plasticiens par Comeau; Biographical Index of Artists in
Canada; Dictionary of Canadian
Artists, vol. 3, pp. 579-580)
Jones, Ruth, 1959-, born in Ottawa (Contemporary British Columbia
Jones, Sam M., fl 1887-99 (Biographical Index of Artists in
Jones, Sidney, 1875-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Jones, Stewart (ARTBOMB--11 and 19 March, 3 April and 16 December
2014; 3 January, 28 February and 9 December 2015)
Jones, Timothy (Collection Loto-Québec)
Jones, W.H., fl 1829-30 (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Jones, William (Bill), 1946-, (Roundstone Council for the Arts;
McKendry; NG2; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Jones, William Harris, ?-1839, (McKendry; Reid)
Jonescu, Lu (Lou), 1947-, (Vallée 93; Collection d'art de la Ville
de Gatineau -- 2019)
Jong, see De Jong, (McKendry)
Photo of Alphonse Jongers in article
"Alphonse Jongers, R.C.A., is dead at 72.
Internationally Known Canadian Portrait
Painter Came Here in 1895", Montreal Gazette, 4 October
1945 and available at
at p. 250, accessed 16 January 2020.
Jongers, Alphonse, 1872-1945, (McKendry; Robert 78; NG2; Hubbard;
Viau; Development of Painting in Canada: 1665-1945;
------Laliberté; Creative
Canada, 1971; Artistes
plasticiens par Comeau; Biographical Index of Artists in
------Dictionary of Canadian
Artists, vol. 3, pp. 580-581)
Jongkind, Johan Barthold, 1819-1891 (MQ; Carleton)
Jongué, Serge Emmanuel, 1951-2006 (Faces of Canada -- Photography)
Jonker, Anouk (ARTBOMB--20 August, 11 September and 15 October
References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Joos, Julianna, 1954-, (1980-1990 : L'estampe originale au
Québec; Collection des livres d'artistes
de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec;
------Collection Loto-Québec; Collection numérique d'estampes de
la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec; membre professionnel du
------des artistes en arts visuels du Québec -- 2012; 70 artistes
/ 70 estampes --2018)
Jopling, Frederic (Fred) Waistell, 1859/60-1945, (Art Gallery of
Ontario; NG2; L'estampe; Toronto
in Art; Sales Index 1989-90;
------Coverdale Collection of Canadiana; Art at the Service of
War; Art Auctions 1976-1978; Biographical Index of Artists in
------Dictionary of Canadian
Artists, vol. 3, pp. 581-582)
Joque, voir/see Jacques, Jocelyne
Joram, Dorothy, 1928-, (McMaster University)
Joram Chappuis, Jean (dit Comtois), circa 1718-après 1775,
silversmith/orfèvre (Silver in New France;
------Artistes plasticiens
par Comeau)
Jordan, Alison (Sheridan Institute's Illustration Program 2007
Graduating Class)
Jordan, Anique;
Jordan, Bob, 1941-, (Roundstone Council for the Arts; Roundstone
Council for the Arts 2; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada;
------Art in Ontario)
Jordan, Lysa (ARTBOMB--27 February 2019)
Jordan, Marjorie, 1941-, (Alberta Society of Artists)
Jordan, Miriam (Iroquois)
Jordan, Patricia Jane Laidman, 1931-, (Biographical Index of
Artists in Canada)
Jordan-Walker, Jabari (ARTBOMB--25 March 2014)
Jordane (Vie des arts,
numéro 223, vol. 45, été 2011, p. 92)
References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Jorge, see--voir: Olney, Georges L.
Jorgensen, Flemming, 1956-, (NG2; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 3, p. 582)
Jorgenson (Jorgensen), Flemming, 1934-2009, ( Roundstone Council
for the Arts 2; Printmaking in B.C., 1889-1983;
------Hard-Edge Collection;
Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Sales Index
Fleming Jorgensen, Two Still Lives with Plants, 1999,
watercolour, 12.75 x 9.75 " — 33 x 24.8 cm; photo reproduced
from Waddington's auction, "Property from the Collection of
Jacques & Gabrielle Israelievitc", 2-7 November 2019,
lot 96; note:
to explain the title: there were two paintings for sale; source of
accessed 18 November 2019.
Jorgensen, Fleming, 1939-2009 (Toronto Dominion Bank Collection)
Jorisch, Stéphane, 1956-, (Illustrateurs et illustratrices
du Québec 1997-1998; Illustrateurs et illustratrices du Québec
------Illustrateurs et illustratrices du Québec 1989)
Stéphane Jorisch, illustration parue dans la publication:
Association des illustrateurs et illustratrices du Québec
Répertoire / Directory 1992-93,
Montréal: Association des illustrateurs et
illustratrices du Québec, xxiii, 203 p., à la page 125, ISBN:
notes: 5e édition.
Jorjenvi (Collection numérique d'estampes de la Bibliothèque
nationale du Québec)
Jorstad, Arthur, 1936-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Joseph, Louise (Indian Artists at Work)
Joseph, Therese Lydia (ARTBOMB--4 and 13 April and 26 May 2014; 6
October and 2 December 2015; 28 January, 25 April,
------21 May and 2 November 2016; 11 February, 31 March and 22 May
2017; 17 March, 14 April, 14 June and 13 August 2018;
------20 January, 11 February and 24 June 2019); artist's site
Josephson, Royden (ARTBOMB--30 April, 30 May and 5 August 2016)
Josie (McMaster University)
Josin, Patti, 1952-, (Shell Canada Collection; Biographical Index
of Artists in Canada)
Joslin/Joselin, James, 1814-, fl 1873 (Biographical Index of
Artists in Canada)
Joslin, Maurice, 1937-, (Artistes
plasticiens par Comeau)
Joso, (Dictionary of Canadian
Artists, vol. 3, p. 583)
Jost, Edward R., act. 1864, (McKendry; Folk Artists; Biographical
Index of Artists in Canada)
Harper, J. Russell, A People's Art:
Primitive, Naive, Provincial, and Folk
Painting in Canada, Toronto : University of Toronto
Press, 1974, plate 113 at p. 157,
ISBN: 0802021530.
Jost, Geneviève, 1944-, (Vallée 89; Magazin'art Biennial Guide
98-99; Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2000-2001; Collectionneur 90,
vol. VII, # 27,
------pp. 17-21 et 23-24; L'art naïf; Marché de la peinture au Québec 1991/1992;
Illustrateurs et illustratrices du Québec 1986-87; Magazin'art \
------Biennial Guide 2006-2008)
Jost, Josef, 1875-, sculpt. (Biographical Index of Artists in
Jost, Ottile E. Palm, see/voir Palm, Ottilie (Palm-Jost)
Jost-Bonnetier, Geneviève, 1944-, (Vallée 93; Naïfs?;
in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Joubert, Léon, fl 1876-1920 (Biographical Index of Artists in
Joubert, Louis, 1959-, (Vallée 89; Vallée 93; Marché de la peinture au Québec
de l'image:, 10 juin
Livre par Suzanne Joubert:
Joubert, Suzanne, Créer : ce qu'en disent les artistes, [Montréal] : Édition Suzanne Joubert, 2015, ISBN: 9782981482402.
Joubert, Suzanne, 1933-2020, (Vallée 83; Robert 83; Robert 78;
Bernier; L'art et le papier 3; Bernier 99; Galerie éducative
------Collection Loto-Québec; Artistes
plasticiens par Comeau; Biographical Index of Artists in
Canada; membre professionnel du Regroupement
------des artistes en arts visuels du Québec -- 2012; Marché de la peinture au Québec
1991/1992; Claridge Inc. catalogue;
------City of Ottawa Art Collection -- 2013; Peinture et sculpture
québécoises 1670-1995 par Ostiguy; Collection d'art de la Ville de
------Gatineau -- 2019); site
de l'artiste
Joubin, Franc R. (Francis), 1911-, (Biographical Index of Artists
in Canada)
Jourdain, (Robert 64)
Jourdain, Michel-Augustin, actif à Québec, fin du 18e siècle, (Artistes plasticiens par
Jourdain, Denis, dit Labrosse, 1671-1743, sculpt. (Biographical
Index of Artists in Canada)
Jourdain, Dominique, dit Labrosse, 1730-, fl 1755, sculpt.
(Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Jourdain, Jacques, 1931-, né à Trois-Rivières, (Magazin'art
Biennial Guide 2000-2001; Magazin'art Biennial Guide
------ 2002-2003; Artistes
plasticiens par Comeau; Biographical Index of Artists in
Canada; Dictionary of Canadian
------Artists, vol. 3, pp. 583-584; Magazin'art Biennial
Guide 2006-2008);
Jourdain, Paul-Raymond, dit Labrosse, 1697-1769, sculpt.,
(McKendry; NG2; MQ 2; Artistes
plasticiens par Comeau;
-----Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Jourdain, Paul-Raymond, dit Labrosse, 1697-1769, Le Christ en croix, 1738,
bois décapé, Église
Notre-Dame de Montréal. (photographie de François Brault,
reproduite du livre de Jean Simard,
Les arts sacrés au Québec,
Boucherville: Les Éditions de Mortagne, 1989, à la p.
88). Photo
plus ancienne du crucifix à
(site consulté le 1er juin 2022).
Jourdain, Roger, 1914-, born in Montreal QC (Biographical Index of
Artists in Canada; Dictionary
of Canadian Artists, vol. 3, p. 584;
------Biographical Dictionary of Saskatchewan Men Artists)
Jourdain-Bruyere, Lynn, 1965-, (Thunder Bay Art Gallery)
Lise Jourdenais; photo
reproduite du livre suivant:
Bruens, Louis, 1928-2013, 52 Couleurs du
Québec...Cinquante-deux peintres,
[Montréal]: Éditions de la Palette, 1987, 237 p., à la
p. 126, ill. (certaines en coul.),
portr.; 31 cm., ISBN: 2980106003.
Jourdenais, Lise, 1938-, né à Montréal, (Vallée 83; Vallée
89; Vallée 93; Bruens; Robert 83; Art Auctions 1976-1978;
------Marché de la peinture au
Québec 1991/1992)
References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Jovanetic, Nedjio, 1940-, (Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2000-2001)
Joy, Ida, 1858-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Canadian
Women Artists History Initiative--Concordia University)
Joy, John, 1925-2012, (Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2002-2003;
History of Art in Toronto Schools; Art Auctions 1976-1978;
-----Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Sales Index 1989-90; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol. 3, pp.
-----Ontario Collection; Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2006-2008)
Joy, Nancy Jean Hannah Grahame, 1920-, (Biographical Index of
Artists in Canada)
Joyal, Alain (Robert 83)
Joyal, Bruno, 1943-, (Artistes
plasticiens par Comeau)
Joyal, Danielle (Collection numérique d'estampes de la
Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)
Joyal, Diane, L. (Collection numérique d'estampes de la
Bibliothèque nationale du Québec)
Joyal, Diane, (membre professionnel du
Regroupement des artistes en arts visuels du Québec -- 2012)
Joyal, Louise (Collection numérique d'estampes de la Bibliothèque
nationale du Québec)
Joyal, Maria, 1901-1986, (L'art populaire du Québec; L'art
populaire au Québec par Jean-François Blanchette)
Joyal-Turquais, Diane, 1952-, (Robert 89; 1980-1990 : L'estampe
originale au Québec; Collection des livres d'artistes
de la Bibliothèque
------ nationale du Québec)
Joyce, Christopher, (L'estampe à Québec)
Joyce, Mary, 1946-, born in Montreal; artist's site
Mary Joyce, 31-2 Démocratie!, 2014, oil on canvas, 53 x
56”, part of Series
called “RED 2012-2020", copyright Mary Joyce 2014. I would
like to thank the
artist for her permission to reproduce here this image of her art
(15 January 2020).
Joyce, Terrence C. R. (ARTBOMB--23 November and 8 and 12 December
2017; 25 January, 4 and 18 February, 24 March, 2 and 17 April, 3
------16 June, 15 July, 2 and 27 August, 30 September, 20
October and 26 November 2018; 26 February, 18 March, 14 April, 11
May and 5 July 2019)
Joyce-Gagnon, Thérèse, 1921-, (McKendry; Aberg; Tippett;
Collection Loto-Québec; Femmeuses
2001; membre professionnel du Regroupement des artistes
-------en arts visuels du Québec -- 2012)
Joziasse, Ann, 1949-, (Shell Canada Collection; Biographical Index
of Artists in Canada)
JPN, fl 1835-50, (Nova Scotia
Folk Art)
References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Juanisialuk (Joanisialu, Juanasialuk, Juanisialu), 1917-1977,
Inuit art, Povungnituk,
------Quebec (Larmour; Povungnituk
1960-1970; Biographical Index of Artists in Canada
Jube, Herbert, act. mid -20th cent. and after, (Folk Artists;
Eastern Canadian Folk Art)
Jubinville, Ginette, (membre professionnel du Regroupement des
artistes en arts visuels du Québec -- 2012)
Juchum, Gerhard, 1932-1977, sculptor; site on the artist
Judah, Doris Minette (née Trotter), 1887-1965, sculpt., (McKendry;
Laliberté; Biographical Index of Artists in
------Canada; Dictionary of
Canadian Artists, vol. 3, p. 585; Early Women
Judai, Willie, carver (Art Auctions 1976-1978)
Judge, Marguerite (Maggie), 1941-, born in India (Biographical
Index of Artists in Canada; Artists of British Columbia)
Judge, Mary Edith Perceval, 1875-1966 (Biographical Index of
Artists in Canada)
Judge, Spencer Percival, 1874-1956 (Sales Index
Judson, William Lees, 1842-1928, (Biographical Index of Artists in
Canada; Sales Index 1989-90)
William Lees Judson, Clover Harvest, Ontario, oil on
29" x 49 1/4" / 73.9 x 125.1 cm, Provenance: Kaspar Gallery
[Image reproduced from the catalogue: Sotheby's, Important
Canadian Art, Toronto, May 31
and June 1, 1988]
Jueland (History of Canadian Political Cartooning)
Juhasz, George(s), 1933-2004, (Art public de la ville de
Photo de Georges Juhasz accompagnant l'article de Arthur Prévost,
artiste burine Pompéi sur un mur: à la mèche électrique et dans un
spécial", Le petit journal, dimanche 23 mai 1965, à la p.
62 et disponible
(site consulté 17 août 2024).
References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Juhasz, Paul, 1911-, (Biographical Index of Artists in
Canada; Dictionary of Canadian
Artists, vol. 3, p. 585)
Juhasz, Peter, 1921-, (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol.
3, pp. 585-586)
Jule, Walter, 1940-, (NG2; Alberta artists; L'estampe à Québec;
Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Jules, Georges (Collection numérique d'estampes de la Bibliothèque
nationale du Québec)
Léonel Jules, photo reproduced from (accessed
14 July 2022)
Jules, Léonel, 1953-, (Collectionneur 96, vol. IX, # 34, p.
82; Vallée 89; Vallée 93; Collection Lavalin du Musée d'art
contemporain de Montréal;
------Magazin'art, v. 18(3), 2006, p. 69; Vie des arts, numéro 221,
vol. 45, hiver 2010-2011, pp. 40-41; Le Balcon d'Art -- artistes
de la
Multi Art nous donne de la bonne recherche à
consulter sur Jules Léonel, voir
(nous remercions monsieur Steve Pearson de nous avoir
suggérer ce lien à explorer, 3 mars 2020).
Jules, Lionel (Collection Loto-Québec)
Julian, Darren, (ARTBOMB--7, 19 and 29 April, 21 June, 3 and 17
October 2015; 16 January and 20 and 27 July 2016; 21 January, 2
-------22 November and 2, 20 and 28 December 2017; 22 September
and 26 October 2018)
Julien, Armand, 1910-1987 (Sculpteurs en art populaire au Québec
par Levasseur -- Tome 1); voir (site consulté
le 17 août 2024).
Julien, Chantal, 1965-, (Magazin'art Biennial Guide 98-99;
Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2000-2001; Magazin'art Biennial Guide
------Collection Loto-Québec; Magazin'art, v. 18(3), 2006, p. 57;
Membre signataire -- Institut des arts figuratifs, 2011-2012;
------Biennial Guide 2006-2008)
Julien, Gaston-Pierre, 1948-, (membre professionnel du Regroupement des artistes en arts visuels du Québec -- 2012; L'Artothèque--2014)
Gaston-Pierre Julien, The Nude 2013, Composite-Texalium-
fiberglass-carbon fiber, photo also by Gasto-Pierre Julien;
I would like to thank the artist for his permission to reproduce
this photo and the one of his portrait above (3 December
Julien, Gémus Nycole (membre professionnel du Regroupement des
artistes en arts visuels du Québec -- 2012)
Julien, Henri, voir/see Julien, Octave-Henri,
Julien, Lucille (Robert 83)
References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Julien, Michel (Avmor Collection)
Julien, Octave-Henri, 1852-1908, (McKendry; Robert 78; Harper;
100 Years of Art in Manitoba; National Archives of
------Canada; Canadian Drawings; Bernier 99; MQ; Roussan 82;
Robert 78; NG2; Lord; L'art au Canada français; Laliberté;
------Giles; L'art du Québec; Paysagistes; Robert 64; McCord
Museum; Development of Painting in Canada: 1665-1945;
------Creative Canada,
1972; Duval 1952; Artistes
plasticiens par Comeau; Art Auctions 1976-1978;
Biographical Index
------of Artists in Canada; Sales Index 1989-90; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol.
3, pp. 586-589; Morisset;
------History of Canadian Political Cartooning; L'esprit
révolutionnaire dans l'art québécois; Mode et apparence dans
------l'art québécois, 1880-1945; Histoire de la caricature au
Julien, Octave-Henri, 1852-1908, La Chasse-galerie, 1906, huile sur toile, 53,5 x
66,5 cm (Collection du
Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec).
Livre sur Henri Julien:
Barbeau, Marius, 1883-1969, Henri Julien, Toronto :
The Ryerson Press,
[1941], 44 p. : ill., ports.; 19 cm. (series; Canadian Art Series;
source of the book cover:, 27 September 2014)
de l'image:, visité le 5 juillet 2015
Livre sur Henri Julien:
Gladu Paul, 1914-, et Henri Julien, 1852-1908, Henri Julien
/ Paul Gladu, Montréal : Lidec,
1970, [40] p. : ill., portr. ; 21 cm. SERIES:
Collection Panorama.
Sur Henri Julien, on pourra également consulter:
- Guilbault, Nicole, "Henri Julien illustrateur de légendes",
mémoire de maitrise, Université Laval, 1978
(source de cette information: Loren Singer,
"Mémoires et thèses en histoire de l'art au Canada" -- "Canadian
Art History Theses and Dissertations", Journal of Canadian Art
History / Annales d'histoire de l'art Canadien, volume 5, number 2, (1981)
pp. 122-128 à la p. 125);
-Dominic Hardy, Drawn to Order: Henri Julien's Political Cartoons of
1899 and his Career with Hugh Graham's Montreal Daily Star, 1888-1908,
mémoire de maîtrise, Peterborough (Onrario), Trenr University, 1997, 289 p.
Julien, Simone (Robert 83)
Julsing, Will, 1942-, (Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2000-2001)
Jumbo, Ellen (Indian Artists at Work)
Jumbo, Lena (Indian Artists at Work)
in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Jumez-Lamour, Colette, 1942-, (Roussan 98)
Jump, Edward., c1831-1883, act. 1873, (Ontario of Yesterday;
Biographical Index of Artists in Canada; Québec: A Pictorial
Record -- 1608-1875;
------Morisset; History of Canadian Political Cartooning; Histoire
de la caricature au Québec)
Sketch by Edward Jump, Ottawa -- The Fire on Daly Street, 24 May
1873, Canadian Illustrated News.
(reproduced from the book by Nick and Helma Mika,
Ontario of Yesterday,
Belleville: Mika Silk Screening Limited, 1971, at p. 80).
Huit dessins de Edward Jump à:
(site consulté 24 octobre 2024)
Juneau, Alain (Collection d'art de la Ville de Gatineau -- 2019)
"Denis Juneau at Centro Studi Arte/Industria de
Novara, Italy, 1955 or 1956, gelatin silver print;
photo: anonymous. Archives of the artist."
text and photo reproduced from the following book:
Nasgaard, Roald, Lise Lamarche, Michel Martin, 1946-, Frederick
Horsman Varley Art Gallery of Markham,
Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec, The Plasticiens and
beyond : Montreal, 1955-1970 / Roald Nasgaard,
Michel Martin ; with contributions by Lise Lamarche, Denise
Leclerc, Markham, ON : Varley Art Gallery of
Markham; Québec, QC : Musée national des beaux-arts du Quebec,
[2013]. 171 pages at pages 157 and 167:
colour illustrations; 27 cm. NOTES: Catalogue of the
exhibition held Feb. 7-May 12, 2013, at Musée national
des beaux-arts du Quebec, and the Varley Art Gallery of Markham,
May 26-Sept. 2, 2013. Includes bibliographical
references (pages 169-171). ISBN: 9782550667421.
Juneau, Denis, 1925-2014, (McKendry; Leclerc; Trépanier; Reid;
Robert 83; Robert 78; NG2; Viau;
------MAC; Burnett; Swain; Roundstone Council for the Arts;
Bernier; L'art du Québec; Québec 1940-1966;
------ Roundstone Council for the Arts 2; années 50; Robert 64;
Collection Lavalin du Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal;
------ Collection des livres d'artistes
de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec; Collection Loto-Québec;
Collection numérique d'estampes de la
------Bibliothèque nationale du Québec; Artistes plasticiens par Comeau; Biographical
Index of Artists in Canada; Corporate collections;
------Sales Index 1989-90; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol.
3, pp. 589-590; Peinture et sculpture québécoises 1670-1995 par
------L'Artothèque--2014; Dictionnaire historique de la sculpture
québécoise au XXe siècle; Société des artistes
professionnels du Québec 1971)
Juneau, Jean, 1956-, (Roussan 2001)
References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Marcel Juneau est la première personne à gauche. Cette photo
accompagne l'article de Renée
Lacoursière, "À la Galerie La Salle: Un artisanat canadien
abondant et varié", Le nouvelliste,
samedi 12 décembre 1964 à la p. 5, dispobible à
consulté le 21 avril 2021).
Juneau, Marcel, ferronnier (Artisans créateurs du Québec)
Jung, SunMi (Sculptors Society of Canada--2015)
Jungen, Brian, 1970-, born in Fort Saint John, BC (Builders:
Biennial 2012);
Jungkind, Walter, 1923-2013, (Biographical Index of Artists in
Junkala, Jeanny (Collection Loto-Québec)
Junkin, Michelle (Sheridan Institute's Illustration Program 2007
Graduating Class)
Juno, Bev, (Shell
Canada Collection)
Jurgensen Hiscox Ingebord, née
en Allemagne (L'art et le papier 7; membre professionnel du
Regroupement des artistes en arts visuels
------ du Québec -- 2012; 70 artistes / 70 estampes --2018)
Jursevskis, Nina, craftsmanship -- knitted & knotted work
(Crafts Canada)
Jursevskis, Zigfrids, 1910-1989, born in Poland and died in
Toronto, ON, scullptor (Biographical Index of Artists in Canada)
Juteau, Pierre, 1956-, né à Saint-Antoine-des-Laurentides
(St-Jérôme), QC (Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2006-2008); Linked in ---Wikipedia
References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Juteau, Yolande (Illustrateurs et illustratrices du Québec 1989)
Juster, Vily, 1924-2000, (Aberg)
Jutras, Andrée, 1932-, (Robert 83; 1980-1990 : L'estampe originale
au Québec; Collection des livres d'artistes
de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec;
-------Collection numérique d'estampes de la Bibliothèque
nationale du Québec)
Jutras, Claude, 1930-1987, films
Jutras, Diane, 1952-, (L'art et le papier 6; L'art et le papier 7;
Collection Loto-Québec; Collection numérique d'estampes de la
Bibliothèque nationale
------ du Québec; 70 artistes / 70 estampes --2018)
Jutras, Johane, (Femmeuses 2001)
Photo de Joseph Jutras, 1921 (collection particulière;
photo: UQAM)
[Photo reproduite de celle apparaissant dans le livre suivant:
Jutras, Joseph, 1894-1972, peintre, Groupe de la Montée
Saint-Michel, (McKendry; Boulizon; Laliberté; Robert 78; Artistes plasticiens par
------Art Auctions 1976-1978; Biographical Index of Artists in
Canada; Sales Index 1989-90; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, vol.
3, pp. 590-591)
Jutras, Michel (membre signataire de la Société canadienne de
l'aquarelle en 2012)
Jutras-Laneville, Pierrette, artisan, émail (Répertoire 1983 des
membres accrédités de la Corporation Salon des Métiers d'art du
Québec -- SMAQ)
Jya (Taw), 1930-, (Sculpture/Inuit 1971, plate 341)
References in parentheses / Références entre parenthèses
Jyde, 1948-, (Magazin'art Biennial Guide 2006-2008)